

I will be the first to admit that I was not as online community-minded as I should have been. As an introvert, I pour out so much energy connecting with the students and staff at work and with friends and family that I have little to give online. I’ve noticed that I consume a lot of online content but don’t contribute much. So when asked, “How have I contributed to the learning of others?” I can only think of four examples. 

  1. Blog Comments—I commented on three blog posts for each week of the semester. Here is a link to a Google Doc where I recorded a link to each comment. 
  2. Blog Post – By March, I had fallen behind in my blog posts, especially taking time each week to dedicate to photography. I posted about finding motivation and inspiration when you’re not feeling it. A few comments were left on this post, thanking me for creating a list of things to overcome a lack of motivation and inspiration.
  3. IRL—After our class on AI technologies, I showed the teachers at the school where I work the list of AI tools and went into detail about Magic School AI and its features. I know one teacher has used it since I told my colleagues about it. He was proud of his rubric using the rubric generator tool on Magic School AI and had to show it to me the next morning after making it. He said AI is very helpful right now with the sanctions and no longer having extra prep time. 
  4. IRL – I had a student the other day who was struggling to read and understand information on a website they were supposed to use for a research project. This student has a below-grade reading level. I used the text leveller tool by copying and pasting the text from the website into the AI tool, and it generated easy-to-read text. This helped the student a lot, and they told me they felt more confident and comfortable doing the assignment now they could understand what they were reading. 

Thank you to Katia and everyone in this class! I’ve learned a lot about incorporating technology into the classroom and that blogs aren’t all terrible.

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