Within my daily life, I use a multitude of apps on a daily basis. the most common one for me to use would have to be Snapchat, as it is the way I mainly contact my friends and communicate with others. the other one that I would use the most is URcourses. I’m always using it to check emails and checking syllabi about 20 times a day to make sure I’m not forgetting anything.

I don’t really use any websites or apps to stay organized, since I use a physical calendar, but I could consider URcourses to be a main way of staying organized with dates and times for assignments, groupwork and other things in my day to day school life.

The biggest distraction that I encounter on a daily basis is online games such as League of Legends or YouTube. They definitely decrease productivity as I can be caught up with them for hours. Some strategies that I started using are to not even open the apps to see who is online, or log out of my YouTube so that I do not get distracted with suggested videos.

The main strategy that i have developed to balance school and pleasure online is that I spend 2 hours a day working on school work, as well as going tech free for 3 hours a day, which limits my screen time and allows me to read textbooks for school, read books for pleasure, go on a run, or many other tasks that i need to do.