To be honest, cyber safety was not really a topic that was taught to us within school. it was more on the parents to teach the children on how to be safe on the internet, rather than the teachers. My parents however, did a great job using both information and scare tactics in order to teach us about the terrible things that can occur both online, as well with things such as phone scams. The funniest lesson to me was when my little sister was going on the computer the first time to play a game, my parents said that she had to hop off and help them pack because they had to move. they claimed it was from an internet scam that happened, and then went about teaching her about it for a while, before breaking the news that she didnt have to move. i think that a combo like this is great, because it can show your children just how scary the internet can be. For a teacher however, i believe that an informative approach is a lot better of a way to do it, as you dont want to be scaring the kids, just informing them.