While my sewing machine is getting fixed, as it broke when i was trying to change the bobbin in it, i thought to myself that i should get started on research for quilting instead. I first looked for blogs about quilting, and i found a great one that was highly recommended to me, called “Diary of a Quilter“. It has tons of resources on it that teach you from start to finish how to make a quilt.

Secondly, i went to find a video that i could use as a visual aid, as well as provide other tips that may not appear within the blog, and i found this lady by the name of  Melanie Ham, who has a 6 part series on how to make a quilt, and all the little tips and tricks that come along with it.

Colorful detail of quilt sewn from square pieces

I want to make a quilt of patchwork design, kind of like the one above, as I have a ton of different material that i think would look great. I don’t want to start with any fancy patterns or anything, as i just want to learn the basics of quilting before I get into the patterning of quilting.

If anyone has any tips or tricks for quilting, they would be much appreciated!