Digital World in the Classroom

First off I’d like to say, I can’t believe that the video from Wesch was filmed 16 years ago. He said that 9000 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube daily, but I can’t imagine how much bigger that number is now. Social media has come such a long way since 2008.

Wesch is very wise by saying he knows that the internet will become a big phenomenon. For my future classroom, I believe that the internet and social media should be used in “correct” ways. Some of these ways include using cell phones and computers for school work or for texting parents. I think that having cell phones taken away in the classroom during the day is helpful because it will remove distraction from the hands of the students.

Young casual Businessman holding and using smartphone for sms messages, hipster man typing touchscreen cell phone in the cafe. business, lifestyle, technology and Social media network concept

Some sites on computers that students use in the classroom might benefit from being blocked as well, such as gaming sites to also aide in distraction from students and their school work. Everyone will have a different opinion on this, though. Also, it is important to remind students that what they post is out on the internet forever.

One Reply to “Digital World in the Classroom”

  1. Hi Amie! The fact that Wesch’s video was uploaded in 2008 caught my attention, too. I also couldn’t imagine what the number of daily uploads on YouTube would be today.

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