Grade 1 Math Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:  Number Posters Activity

Course: Grade 1 Math (EMTH 310)

Designer: Amie Sutton

 Learning Outcomes/Intentions
Formal Unit Outcome(s):

Represent and describe whole numbers to 20 concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.

Indicator: Read whole numbers up to 20.


  1. Students will pronounce and read words one through twenty.
  2. Students will write words one through twenty.
  3. Students will write numbers one through twenty symbolically.


Mathematical Process:

Communication & Visualization

Visualization/Communication: Students will visually show how to write numbers zero through twenty symbolically and pictorially. Students will demonstrate that they are able to pronounce the words zero through twenty. Students can communicate this process with their classmates if preferred.

Essential Question:

How do I pronounce words one through twenty?

How do I write words one through twenty?

How do I write numbers one through twenty symbolically?

First Nations Content
Assessment Evidence
Formative Assessments (Assessment for Learning):

Formally assess students using “number poster” worksheets, students will write numbers zero through twenty and also write the words zero through twenty on the worksheets.

The number posters worksheets will be used as a formative assessment tool. Feedback will be given during the lesson and immediately afterwards.


Summative Assessment N/A: Lesson plan is from Day 2 of the unit.
-Number Poster Worksheets from numbers 1-20


-Colouring Utensils

Learning Plan
Learning Experiences & Instruction:


ENGAGE: As an introductory activity, students will be asked to take out a piece of paper and a pencil. The teacher will ask the students if they can write the numbers that they know between 1 and 20.


Do you know any numbers between 1 and 20?

What numbers do you know?

Have you seen numbers one through twenty in your daily life? What are some examples? Can you share them with the class?

EXPLORE: Students will be shown examples of different numbers on the whiteboard, drawn by the teacher. The teacher will write the word “seven” on the board, beside the numeric number.


What number is this? (Point at number 7 drawn by the teacher).

How do you know that is number 7?

Can you draw number 7 by yourself?

How do you pronounce the word “seven?” Can you try writing the word on your own? Tell students that pronouncing means saying the word out loud. Have them become familiar with the vocabulary.

…Repeat with a different number between 1 and 20.

EXPLAIN: Students will be given number poster worksheets to represent numbers zero through twenty. Students will be asked to colour the number on the worksheet, then write it on their own with no guide, and then to write the word that the number represents (e.g., 5 is five). Students will be asked to also pronounce the words zero through twenty. They will be asked to colour the number on the worksheet, to find the number amongst other numbers from one through ten, and after numbers zero through ten, they will be asked to find circle the number amongst the numbers eleven through twenty. Students will be asked to remain neat while colouring and to stay inside the lines.


How do you write the number eight?

How do you spell the number eight?

How do you pronounce the number eight?

What is one number less than eight? How do you know?

What is two numbers more than eight? How do you know?

ELABORATE: If time remains, students will be given a “number poster” worksheet for the number 21. The teacher may also give the students this worksheet at another free time to challenge the appropriate students.


How do you pronounce the word twenty-one?

How do you write the word twenty-one?

How many more is twenty-one than twenty?

EVALUATE: Students are being questioned on their understanding throughout the entirety of the lesson. The teacher will walk around the classroom while students are completing their number poster worksheets and observe the students while they are completing the assignment. The teacher will first give students positive feedback about their progress and final products and after that give them suggestions to improve that can relate to a growth mindset such as: “you forgot the last letter in one, what do you think it is?” and/or “listen to me pronounce three again, then try it on your own.”


What did you enjoy during this lesson?

What did you find hard during this lesson?

Students will hand in their number posters as a formative assessment. Feedback to students on their number posters worksheets will be given immediately afterwards.


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to pronounce and read words one through twenty, write words one through twenty and write numbers one through twenty symbolically on their own. Students will know numbers one through twenty in many different aspects.