In my daily life, I use many different social platforms through majority of the day. My main social platform apps that I use are the usual like Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram & YouTube. For study purposes, I use the Notes app on my iPhone quite frequently, Microsoft Word & Microsoft PowerPoint. Finding the balance between the two is hard, as social media is addictive & takes up most of my time.

I am mostly distracted during the day with Snapchat & TikTok. I use Snapchat as my main form of communication with people. It is easy to get distracted on Snapchat with stories; you can click on and on with them and they seem to go on forever! With TikTok, it is the same story, you can scroll on and on and on and sometimes can get stuck down a “rabbit hole.” To help with being distracted during study time, I put my phone somewhere where I can’t see it and turn on “Do not disturb” mode and that seems to help as my phone notifications will come through my laptop as well.
Relating to tech and study, I favour my Notes app on my iPhone. I make a weekly study schedule on my phone that states what I have to do for the week. I also create rough drafts of my assignments on my Notes app, as I always have my phone on me, so It is always convenient if I have an idea, then I can write it down right away. I can also copy & paste from my Notes app on my phone right to my computer which is the most handy dandy thing ever, then I don’t have to re-type anything!

To complete assignments, I use mainly Microsoft Word & Microsoft Powerpoint. I like them, as I have used them for years, but I don’t like the fact that Microsoft Office has a yearly fee. I like the layout of both platforms and they are both easy to navigate. I will continue to use Microsoft Word & Microsoft Powerpoint for lesson plans, lessons and anything else my future teaching endeavours entail me to use with these forms of technology.
To find a balance between productive tech use and unproductive tech use, I set up study times on my Notes app and set aside those times for study. I am pretty disciplined with this, as I want to do a good job with my work. But, sometimes, it is easy to pick up the phone and become distracted on numerous apps. Let me know if anyone has anything they do to help with unproductive tech use distraction!
Look forward to hearing from you,