My Journey To Reconciliation
My aesthetic representation is a word cloud comprised of words and phrases I have heard or learnt about this semester. I have chosen these specific words and phrases because I think they will remind me of what I learned in this class if I were to look at my representation again in the future. I have made the background orange to represent Orange Shirt Day, the National Truth and Reconciliation day this year, and residential schools. I made the words and phrases the 4 colours of the medicine wheel to represent all aspects of a person’s life and that they need to be connected. This was to remind me that in order to continue on my journey to reconciliation I have to worry about all aspects of my life and make sure they are balanced. And the turtle in the middle represents the truth and staying truthful to ourselves and others. It also represents having to learn the truth behind residential schools and the past of Indigenous people before continuing on my journey. I believe truth is important in everyone’s journey to reconciliation.
* This assignment was completed in the Fall 2021 Semester for ECS 101 *