Grade 5 – Science – Respiratory System

Here is a lesson plan I created for a grade 5 science class.

Subject/Grade: Grade 5 Science 

Lesson Title: Respiratory System Functions  

Teacher: Alannah Uliski

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

HB5.2 – Investigate the structure, function, and major organs of one or more human body systems such as the digestive, excretory, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems.

a) Explain at least two functions of the human digestive, excretory, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, muscular, or skeletal systems. (I am focusing on respiratory for this 45-minute lesson).

Key Understandings: (‘I Can’ statements)

I can explain how the respiratory system works.

I can express at least two functions of the respiratory system.

I can explain why the respiratory system is vital for our bodies and our survival.

Essential Questions:

– Why is the respiratory system important in our bodies?

– What happens when we inhale?

– What happens when we exhale?

Prerequisite Learning:

– Have a basic understanding of the major respiratory organs and be able to locate them on a diagram of the respiratory system.

– Understand expectations of group work, and know roles you have to play to have a successful small group activity. 

Instructional Strategies:

  • Visual hooks – The Lung Anatomy Song. It provides a visual to connection to  the information.
  • Stations and Group Work – Development activity involves students moving to different stations throughout the room and working with their peers to learn and complete activities.
  • Chart Carousel – Students use the chart paper at Activities B and C to make predictions
  • Exit Slips
Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning
Formative Assessment –  I am going to do a quick look over the station activities and chart paper – it will not be marked, I am just checking for their understanding. I am also going to look over students exit slips to check for their understanding – if we have time at the end of the lesson we will go over answers together. I do not plan to grade or mark any of the formative assessment from this lesson. Just simply look over it all to see if there are any students who maybe did not grasp the lesson or need a bit more help.
Stage 3: Build Learning Plan
Set (Engagement): 5 minutes.

Start the class by doing a quick review of the major organs in the respiratory system (use the Respiratory System Slides I created). Start with the nose blank on Slide 2 and ask each part one by one, going clockwise – when you click, the following blank will be revealed.

Next, introduce the functions of the respiratory system with The Lung Anatomy Song Video by KLT (1:48).

Introduce stations and activities and what will happen at each, and how the students will move around the room.

Development: 30 minutes.

There will be six stations set up around the room. There will be three different activities, but two stations for each activity to help keep class groups smaller. 

Students will be put into teacher-made groups of 3 to 5 depending on how many there are – 6 groups total. Each group will start at a different station. They will have 10 minutes per station (including time from moving from station to station) to complete the activities. A timer will be set up on the board to let them know how much time they have, and a sound will play when it is time to switch stations. When they switch, the group at station 1 will move to 2, 2 to 3, and so on, until the group at station 6 will go to station 1. 

The groups will have 30 minutes to complete activities A, B, and C, each only one time. If students finish the station activities before it is time to switch I will have different respiratory system themed activities like a  crossword, word search, and diagram (these are not mandatory activity just time fillers – to help ingrain the knowledge on the respiratory system in their brains). See the station materials and respiratory system slides for instructions for students about what to do at each station.

Activity A – Stations 1 and 4 – Respiratory System as a whole.

Need – chart paper and markers, Chromebook or computer with the lung anatomy song ready to go, respiratory system worksheet

Activity B – Stations 2 and 5 – What happens when we inhale?

Need – chart paper, markers, inhaling reading, Stations 2 or 5 sheets, inhaling worksheet.

Activity C – Stations 3 and 6 – What happens when we Exhale?

Need – chart paper, markers, exhale reading, exhale worksheet, station 2 or 5 sheets. 

Learning Closure: 10 minutes

Once all the stations are completed students will complete the exit slip and we will review the answers as a class if there is time. We will also go over Students will hand in their exit slips so the teacher can check which students underwood the lesson and which students may need some extra help. 


The Lung Anatomy Song

Respiratory System Slides

Station Materials

Respiratory System Exit Slip

Station Worksheet

Activity 3 – Exhaling Reading

Activity 2 – Inhaling Reading

Crossword and Word Search 

​​Respiratory system diagram

Countdown Timer

– Chart paper

– markers

– 2 Chromebooks or computers

Possible Adaptations/ Differentiation:

– modified worksheets, and explanation sheets.

– Allowing students to create their own groups

– Doing shorter station times and going over more of the learning information together. 

Management Strategies:

– Countdown Timer on the board

– Students will have a couple of respiratory system activities available for them to do if they finish their tasks early to help reduce off task students. 

Safety Considerations:

– make sure the path to each station is clear and accessible, both for students with physical disabilities and to make sure none of the rest of the students trip.