Who Am I?

Hi all, my name is Alannah Uliski. I am 20 years old and go by the pronouns she/her. I worked at a Before and After School daycare program for 3 years and then have subbed as an EA and Librarian for some time as well. And I loved doing both! I am also currently a fourth-year Education student at the University of Regina, majoring in Elementary Education (K to 5). I am incredibly excited to continue my journey of becoming a teacher.
I am from a small town in Saskatchewan called Cudworth. It is home to about 800 people. I lived in the same house my whole childhood, up until now (naturally my parents decided to move to a much bigger house as soon as I moved out). My immediate family consists of my mom, dad, and little sister. I have always had close ties to my family as most of my family lived near me.

I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in kindergarten and am so excited to finally start my journey to fulfilling my dream of becoming a teacher at the University of Regina.