From Scroll to Sign: Learning ASL with TikTok

From Scroll to Sign: Learning ASL with TikTok

Hello, Welcome To Week Six! This week, I took a different approach to my ASL learning journey. Unfortunately, I lost my original written draft, but no matter, I’m now reporting to you live on how the process went! As you might have guessed from my title, I used TikTok as my primary learning resource. Typically, TikTok is my go-to app for entertainment, something I use to relax and unwind (as I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I tend to lose…

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“Hey Siri”- Play ABC By The Jackson 5

“Hey Siri”- Play ABC By The Jackson 5

Hello Again, EDTC! As the Jackson 5 famously said, “A-B-C, easy as 1-2-3,” but learning the sign alphabet, and everything that comes with ASL, hasn’t always been that simple!  I’m excited to share my progress with you.  In my last post, I mentioned wanting to brush up on my ABCs after realizing my foundation needed some work. To build confidence and improve my speed, I decided to take a step back and focus on the basics. Being open about feeling…

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The World Is Changing: Let’s Talk About It

The World Is Changing: Let’s Talk About It

Transforming Teaching: Technology and media have undeniably transformed the way the world operates, influencing how we access information, share knowledge, and communicate with one another. These societal changes have also had a massive impact on education, shaping the ways we teach and learn in the classroom. Take our EDTC class, for example; everything is done online. From engaging in weekly learning projects to communicating through blogs, Discord, and Zoom, technology is at the core of our experience. Without it, this…

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ASL: A Journey of Honesty and Growth -> Feb.9th

ASL: A Journey of Honesty and Growth -> Feb.9th

Being Transparent and Accountable Hello everyone, If I’m being fully transparent, this week did not go as planned for my learning journey. I was able to practice some ASL, but not as much as I had hoped due to some personal reasons. The point of this blog is to be open about my journey, and honestly, I feel a little bit behind. I know there’s no set timeline or specific pace I need to follow, but for some reason, this…

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ASL: Week Two- Canva Exploration

ASL: Week Two- Canva Exploration

ASL Learning Journey Welcome to my second week of learning ASL!  I’m excited to share everything I’ve learned. This week, I not only expanded my ASL knowledge but also explored a new way to create interactive videos.   Using the InterSign App In the YouTube video linked below, you’ll see the ASL learning app I used this week: InterSign. I found it easy to use and great for practicing on the go. The app offers a variety of features that…

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ASL: A “Pocket Learning” Experience

ASL: A “Pocket Learning” Experience

Hello, everyone! It has officially been my first week of learning and experimenting with ASL. Until I find a method that works best for me, I’ve decided to explore one website or app at a time. This way, I can evaluate whether it’s the most effective tool for my learning needs. Pocket Sign: An Intro This week, I started with an app called Pocket Sign, which is free to download from the App Store. I tried to use the app…

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Technology: My Truth

Technology: My Truth

Technology and Procrastination: The Ultimate Dynamic Duo I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had an important assignment due, only to push it off again and again, convincing myself I deserve a break. It usually starts with my inner voice saying, “Just work for 30 minutes, then you can take a quick 5-minute social media break.” So, I open TikTok, set a mental timer for 10 minutes, and start scrolling. Next thing I know, I check the time—it’s been…

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Learning Project: Introduction to ASL

Learning Project: Introduction to ASL

Hello everyone! I’m really excited to share my first blog post about my learning project! I went back and forth between a few different options. At first, I thought about learning how to skate and shoot a puck, but then I realized it might be too late for me to become the next Connor McDavid (I’m a huge Oilers fan!). I also considered painting, but I quickly figured out that I wouldn’t be the next Vincent van Gogh either. All…

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Introduction: About Me- EDTC 300

Introduction: About Me- EDTC 300

Hello everyone, My name is Alea Lehne, and I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan, where I still reside today. I am currently in my fourth year of the K-5 Elementary Education program. Recently, I completed my internship placement, teaching an amazing group of Grade 4/5 students. During my internship, I gained more than I could have ever imagined, both in skills and personal growth. From a young age, I’ve always felt a strong…

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