EDTC 300

Reflecting on the digital world

I am struggling with this blog post, and not really sure where to take it. Since we are reflecting on topics considered in class, I am not sure whether there are guided questions that we should consider while thinking about topics such as cyber-vigilantism, cyber-shaming, and our digital footprints. So I guess I will just wing it!

I believe that all these topics that were discussed can make for meaningful conversations to have with our students. We are very deep in the digital age and it is only going to progress and adapt in the future.
Teaching students about their online presence is important so students truly understand the risks that come with having an online identity. I have seen some TikToks, where teachers show their students how one video can circulate around the world very quickly. Essentially the teacher takes a picture with a poster and asks people to share/comment on the post to see how far around the world it makes it. This is a powerful activity, because it demonstrates to students in real-time how fast things can travel. Then if you were to delete that photo or that video, it still very likely exists in the digital world. 

When we think about cyber shaming, there is a very fine line between whether it is bringing awareness or making someone accountable for their actions, versus bullying or harassment. How do we teach our students the difference? Are there times when cyber shaming is acceptable? Do we teach cyber shaming as if it is only an act of bullying or harassment? 

Regardless, all of these themes involve ethical and legal implications of our online behavior. I think a discussion could be had around how individuals have lost their job due to inappropriate comments, posts and videos that are made on social media. In extensions you could have discussions with students about how we can protect ourselves from harmful content and have kids reflect before they post. Take the time to consider the potential consequences before they post things online. The internet is not going away, but once you post to social media, it is not as easy to take it back. 

Hi, My name is Alycia.

One Comment

  • Jaylyn Bell

    Hey Alycia!

    I think this is an important point you bring up – the line is definitely and interesting one to navigate.
    The example you brought up about the power of TikTok was extremely interesting and absolutely an important topic to show our students

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