7 Sacred Grandfather Teachings – Grade 8 ELA

Worksheet and Alternate Assignment

Established Goals: (Learning outcomes)

CR8.1 View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g., Becoming Myself), social responsibility (e.g., In Search of Justice), and efficacy (e.g., Building a Better World).

a. View, listen to, read, and respond to a variety of visual, multimedia (including digital), oral, and print texts that address the grade-level themes and issues related to identity, social responsibility, and efficacy including those that reflect diverse personal identities, worldviews, and backgrounds (e.g., appearance, culture, socio-economic status, ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, career pathway).

Understandings: (can also be written as ‘I Can’ statements)

Students will understand that….

  • I can use my literacy skills to absorb helpful information that can help me grow as a person.

Essential Questions:

  • What does literacy look like beyond reading and writing?
  • How can the seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings help me to become the best version of myself?

Students will know…. 

  • Listening, understanding, and retelling of information is a critical part of literacy.
  • The seven Sacred Grandfather teachings form the foundation of an Indigenous way of life and include wisdom, love, respect, courage, honesty, humility and truth.
  • The seven teachings from today’s lesson are accessible through the RSM website.

Students will be able to….

  • Use the before, during, and after strategy to gather and organize information about their chosen teaching.
  • Summarize, in their own words, one of the seven teachings.

Instructional Strategies:

  • Direct instruction
  • Technology in the classroom
  • Independent learning
  • Formative assessment
    • Review handout/flipgrid submissions for understanding of the seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings.


  • Student laptops – incl. camera and microphone capabilities
  • 25 copies of the Listening and Learning handout 
  • 5 copies of the alternative assignment
  • 6 copies of the bookmark pdf (optional)

Possible Adaptations/Differentiation:

  • Students listening to video instead of reading which may help those at lower reading levels
  • Students will rewatch the learning they choose to focus on
  • Listening and learning handout guides them through the thinking process
  • Can summarize their chosen learning through writing or video response

Management Strategies:

  • Students working independently to cut down on excess noise/distraction
  • While they are working, teacher will circulate through the room to answer questions and keep those who need reminders on task
  • Separate but related assignment without a technological component available

Safety Considerations:

  • Need to watch to ensure students aren’t accessing unsafe websites.
  • tripping hazards if cords are not properly put away.

Set (Engagement):                               Length of Time: 2 minutes

  1. Literacy is the ability to read and write, but it also depends on the ability to listen, absorb information, and retell in one’s own words. 

Many First Nations cultures in Canada passed knowledge down through oral storytelling making the abilities to listen, understand and retell incredibly important.

Today we are going to listen and learn about the seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings from storyteller Elder Hazel Dixon at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum here in Regina. These stories are the seven principles that form the foundation of an Indigenous way of life: wisdom, love, respect, courage, honesty, humility and truth. Together, these seven teachings are gifts that help us respect the Creator, the Earth and each other. 

Development:                                              Time: 55 minutes

  1. Explain that the  lesson will be self-led using laptops and outline expectations of staying on task – let them know you are confident in their ability to manage themselves as grade 7’s and 8’s. If they cannot manage themselves, they will have to put away their computer and complete a separate paper assignment that consists of using a dictionary to write out definitions.
  1. Directions (write on board ahead of time if possible):
  • Stay seated and listening until you get the full set of instructions! I’ll tell you when you can start.
  • Get your laptops and headphones and take them to your seat
  • Use bitly link to find the online teachings (https://bit.ly/7GFTCH) (also on handout)
  • Watch all 7 videos
  • After watching all 7, choose one teaching to summarize:
    • Rewatch your chosen teaching and fill out the Listening & Learning Handout
    • When it comes to the summary section, you can either do it on the handout, or record your summary using Flipgrid (link and qr code on handout in summary section) (it still might be helpful to jot some notes on your handout though).

Ask if they’ve ever used flipgrid. (Online platform to respond via video)

  1. use the bitly link (https://bit.ly/GFFLIP) and qr code to access flipgrid (in summary section of handout)
  2. Click “add response” and record your summary (2 minutes or less)
  3. make sure you say which of the seven lessons you summarized
  4. Check for understanding of directions and use of bitly links and flipgrid by show of thumbs.
  5. Go!
  6. Distribute handouts to student’s desks.

Closure:                                                        Time: 3 minutes

  1. Ask: “If a person was to follow the seven Sacred Grandfather teachings that Elder Dixon taught us about today, what do you think their life would look like?” (Each of the Seven Sacred Teachings honours the virtues necessary for a full and healthy life.)
  1. Ask students to hand in listening and learning sheets and clean up and plug in laptops.

Other Resources: 

Treaty4Gathering Student Resources

Northeast School Division Curriculum Corner – Grade 8 Listening and Learning Document


The Teacher’s Craft (Teachers Pay Teachers) – Bookmark
