Grade 2 Health Education
Goal: Develop the understanding, skills and confidences necessary to take action to improve health.
Perspective: Discovering Connections Between Self and Wellness.
Outcome: USC2.3 -Develop an understanding of how health may be affected by illness and disease.
• b) Describe what being sick looks like, sounds like, and feels like (e.g., fatigue, loss of appetite,
aches, absent from school, and activities, sad).
• c) Describe how particular illnesses may be transmitted (e.g., air – coughing and sneezing, direct
contact – kissing; feces – animal and human; blood products – touching a used needle.
• d) Identify personal helath habits that may help to prevent getting sick (e.g., wash hands, cover
mouth when coughing/sneezing, immunizations, do not share personal items, tell a trusted
adult if you find a needle, exercise, sleep/rest, healthy diet).
• h) Compare how a “healthy day” may differ from a “sick day”
• i) Examine how to take care of self and others when sick (e.g., rest, fluids, medications as intended).