The Power of Positive Self-Talk – Grade 7 Health

Worksheet and Answer Key:

Established Goals: (Learning outcomes)

USC 7.1 Establish and use strategies to commit to and act upon personal standards (see grade 6) for various aspects of daily living over which an individual has control.

i. Express insights into the understanding of the concept of “inner self” and demonstrate understanding of, and appreciation for, own inner resources. 

j. Describe and practise strategies that support self to act in accordance with own understanding of human values and virtues.

Understandings: (can also be written as ‘I Can’ statements)

Students will understand that….

  • Our personal resiliency characterizes our ability to adhere to our own personal standards and personal commitments.
  • There are strategies we can use to help us live out our personal standards.
  • Our inner self and our inner resources will impact the strength we show in living out our personal standards.

Essential Questions:

  • What strategies and supports help us actualize our personal standards so we can make healthy choices?
  • How does our inner self help us be true to ourselves?

Students will know…. 

  • Self-talk influences the development and practice of personal standards.

Students will be able to….

  • Express insights – connections between commitment to personal standards and healthy decision making; understanding the concept of “inner self” and inner resources.
  • Describe and practice strategies that support self to act in accordance with own understanding of values and virtues.

Instructional Strategies:

  • Direct instruction
  • Use of technology
  • Individual/Pair work

Evidence of learning will be based on the answers on page two of the worksheet.



  • use of closed captions on the video
  • providing a worksheet to guide students through key points of the video
  • reviewing worksheet answers as a whole class
  • allowing students to work in partners for page two of the worksheet

Management Strategies:

  • use of worksheet to keep students on task during video
  • circulating the room throughout individual or pair work to ensure students are on task

Safety Considerations:

  • The video mentions suicidal thoughts which may trigger some students.

Set (Engagement):                               Length of Time: 3  minutes

  1. Draw a large circle on the board and explain that it is the comfort circle. Ask the class to yell out suggestions of everyday things they do that might be within their comfort circle. – talking to friends and family, participating in class, walking around their neighbourhood.
  2. Explain that outside the comfort circle are things they want to do but might be scared to. Ask the class to yell out suggestions for hopes/dreams that are outside of their comfort circles and record on the board outside of the circle. – talking to a new person, travelling, performing in a play, trying a new sport.
  3. Explain that every time we try something new, our circle of comfort grows as do we as a person but that the messages we tell ourselves can either help us grow, or keep us where we are.

Development:                                              Time: 25 minutes

  1. Explain that the class will watch a ten minute video while filling in the blanks on page 1 of the accompanying worksheet. After the video ends we will talk through the answers and move on to page 2 of the worksheet.
  2. Warn students that the video briefly mentions thoughts of suicide.
  3. Ask a student to hand out work sheets while the teacher prepares the video – put on closed captions.
  4. Play video.
  5. After the video, as a whole class, review the answers to page 1 of the worksheet. 
  6. Review one of your limiting beliefs – unworthy because I didn’t look like I thought everyone else thought I should (societal beauty standards), so I didn’t give my best effort in drama performances or put myself out there for lead roles because I didn’t think I deserved it unless I was perfect.
  7. Ask students to work individually or in pairs to fill out page two of the worksheet (but their goal/limiting belief etc. on their worksheet needs to be their own). 

Closure:                                                        Time: 2 minutes

  1. Discuss the meaning of the quote “You are the captain of your own ship.” – you have the power to remove the anchors so that you can move toward reaching your destination. You can do this through positive self talk and changing limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs. Ask: “And what is one way we can do this?” – affirmations!


  • In the future, I would utilize this lesson at a time when there was more than half an hour available. This would allow for additional conversation, prompting students to make more personal connections with the material.
  • Additional direction regarding which part of the worksheet would be completed when would have been helpful at the beginning of the lesson.
  • Time management and student engagement went very well with few disruptions.




How You Are Killing Your Dreams (Self Talk) by Basit Rashid

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