• EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Reflecting on Learning Origami from YouTube

    A Journey of Growth and Creativity In my ongoing quest to master the art of origami, I decided to delve deeper into the abundant resources available on YouTube. After spending the previous week mastering the basic folds and creating a simple butterfly, I felt ready to take on more intricate and varied projects. YouTube, with its vast collection of origami tutorials, seemed like the perfect next step in my learning journey. This week, I focused on enhancing my skills by following tutorials that offered a range of designs, from simple to complex. Each tutorial provided me with unique insights and challenges, helping me grow as an origami enthusiast. Below, I…

  • EDTC 300,  Professional Learning

    Navigating the Digital Shift

    Reimagining Education in the 21st Century Envisioning my future classroom, I see a dynamic environment where students are active participants in their learning. I envision integrating digital tools to foster engagement, creativity, and critical thinking among my students. From interactive online discussions to multimedia projects, technology will serve as a catalyst for student-driven exploration and knowledge creation. Beyond the confines of my own classroom, the implications of this cultural shift extend to schools at large. Traditional educational models, rooted in the passive consumption of information, are yielding to a more participatory approach, where students are empowered to co-create their knowledge. This necessitates a paradigm shift towards student-centred learning experiences that…

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Mastering the Basics of Origami

    Week 1 Progress Update This week, I made significant strides in my origami learning journey. My main resource was the blog Origami.me, which provided me with a comprehensive introduction to the art of paper folding. Here’s a detailed account of my progress and experiences. Resource Overview: Beginner’s Guide: This guide was instrumental in getting me started. It covered the fundamental concepts of origami, including the basic folds and terminology. The step-by-step instructions were clear and easy to follow, which was perfect for someone like me who is just starting out. I learned about the different types of folds such as the valley fold, mountain fold, squash fold, and reverse fold.…

  • EDTC 300,  Professional Learning

    Exploring Screencastify

    A Comprehensive Review and Classroom Application In the digital learning environment, tools that facilitate content creation and sharing are invaluable. This week, I explored Screencastify, a user-friendly screencasting tool that allows you to easily create high-quality videos. This review will provide an overview of Screencastify, basic instructions for its use, and insights on how it can be integrated into the classroom to meet various levels of the SAMR model. Overview of Screencastify Screencastify is a Chrome extension that enables users to record, edit, and share videos directly from their browser. It is particularly useful for creating tutorials and recording presentations. This tool is designed with simplicity in mind, making it…

  • EDTC 300,  Professional Learning

    Navigating Daily Tech Habits

    Striking a Balance Between Productivity and Leisure Given the significant role that technology now plays in our day-to-day lives, it’s crucial to understand how it influences our daily routines, both personally and academically. As a university student, my daily tech habits involve a mix of tools for productivity and apps for leisure. Here’s a look into how technology shapes my days and the strategies I use to balance its benefits and distractions. Frequently Used Websites, Apps, and Online Platforms In my daily routine, I rely on several websites and apps. Here are the ones I use most frequently:                         While…

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Exploring the Art of Origami

    Introduction to Learning Project Origami has always intrigued me. The idea of transforming a single piece of paper into beautiful and intricate shapes using nothing but folding techniques has always seemed like magic to me. However, despite my fascination, I’ve never taken the time to explore origami myself. That is, until now! Why Origami? I’ve decided to delve into the world of origami for several reasons. Firstly, I’ve heard that origami can be incredibly therapeutic. With the chaos of daily life, I’m looking for a creative outlet that can help me relax and unwind. Origami seems like the perfect solution. There’s something meditative about the repetitive folding of paper, and…

  • EDTC 300,  Professional Learning

    Introduction to Me

    A Little About Me Hello! My name is Anna Van Winkoop and I was born in Calgary, Alberta. My mother, father and I moved to Kenosee Lake, Saskatchewan when I was 18 months old, and we have lived there ever since. I have one younger sister, who just completed her first year of engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, and we have 2 family pets; a 10-year-old beagle and a 3-year-old yellow lab. I am 21 years old and currently completing my fourth year of university studies. I was initially accepted at the University of Regina into the Faculty of Science with an undeclared major in Fall 2020. After completing…