EDTC 300,  Learning Project

Exploring the Art of Origami

Introduction to Learning Project

Photo by Valeriy Matveyev from Vecteezy

Origami has always intrigued me. The idea of transforming a single piece of paper into beautiful and intricate shapes using nothing but folding techniques has always seemed like magic to me. However, despite my fascination, I’ve never taken the time to explore origami myself. That is, until now!

Why Origami?

I’ve decided to delve into the world of origami for several reasons. Firstly, I’ve heard that origami can be incredibly therapeutic. With the chaos of daily life, I’m looking for a creative outlet that can help me relax and unwind. Origami seems like the perfect solution.

There’s something meditative about the repetitive folding of paper, and I’m eager to experience the calming effects of this ancient art form. Plus, I’ve read that origami can help improve focus and concentration, which is something I could definitely use a little help with.

Secondly, I’ve always been drawn to activities that allow me to express my creativity. Origami offers endless possibilities for creating beautiful and unique designs, and I’m excited to explore this artistic medium.

Additionally, I see origami as something I can bring into my future classroom as an educator. It’s not only a fun and engaging activity for students, but it also helps develop their fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and problem-solving skills. Plus, it’s a great way to introduce students to different cultures and traditions from around the world.

Finally, I have a pack of 400 origami papers sitting in my room, untouched since I bought them from the craft store a while back. I figure there’s no time like the present to put them to good use and try my hand at origami.

Where Am I Now?

As I embark on this learning project, I must admit that I am starting from scratch. I have absolutely no experience with origami. I have never folded a single piece of paper into anything remotely resembling an origami creation (not even a paper airplane). My knowledge of origami is limited to what I’ve seen in pictures and videos online.

My Plan for the Project:

  1. I will start by researching the basics of origami, including common folds, terminology, and beginner-level projects. I’ll explore online tutorials, guides, and blogs/articles.
  2. Once I feel comfortable with the basics, I’ll start practicing. I plan to dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to practicing origami. I want to develop my skills and build up my confidence with each fold.
  3. Throughout this learning journey, I’ll be documenting my progress, challenges, and the creations I make. I’ll share updates on my blog, along with images and videos of my origami creations.
  4. My ultimate goal for this project is to become proficient in basic origami techniques and be able to create a variety of simple origami designs by the end of the semester.

Resources for My Learning Journey:

– Youtube tutorials

– Online guides

– Origami blogs/articles

– Origami – Fold & Learn 


I’m excited to embark on this journey into the world of origami and to share my progress with you all. Stay tuned for updates on my learning adventure!


  • Bridget Maloney

    Hi Anna! I love the idea of learning origami for your project! It’s so cool how a piece of paper can be turned into so many things just by folding. I think the idea of bringing origami into your future classroom is so perfect. So many students would love learning this art style. Origami could be a really fun art project that takes minimal set up and clean up, leaving lots of time to create. I am looking forward to following your learning project journey and seeing your creations. Best of luck!

  • Anna Van Winkoop

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Bridget! I’m really excited about incorporating origami into my future classroom. It’s such a versatile art form that can inspire creativity and problem-solving skills in students. I agree, the minimal setup and cleanup make it a perfect activity for classroom use.

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