EDTC 300,  Learning Project

Exploring Origami with Pinterest

As I approach the culmination of my origami learning project, I turned to Pinterest as my final resource to gather inspiration. Pinterest is renowned for its visual content and diverse collection of DIY projects, making it an ideal platform to explore for origami enthusiasts like myself.

Platform Overview:

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform that allows users to find and save ideas for various projects and interests. It features a vast array of origami tutorials, ranging from simple to complex designs. I chose Pinterest because of its accessibility and the ability to curate boards with specific origami projects and techniques.

Projects Explored:

This week, I focused on discovering and trying out new origami projects from Pinterest. Here are some of the specific models and techniques I explored:


Rotating Star
Rotating Star
Rotating Star
Rotating Star


Advantages of Learning from Pinterest:

  1. Visual Inspiration:
    • Pinterest provided a wealth of visual inspiration for origami projects. Pins often include high-quality images of finished designs, which sparked ideas for new projects and variations.
  2. Curated Collections:
    • I created boards to organize and save tutorials and ideas. This allowed me to easily revisit and explore different techniques and styles of origami, from traditional to modern interpretations.
  3. Step-by-Step Guides:
    • Many pins on Pinterest include step-by-step guides with images or infographics. These visual tutorials are easy to follow and replicate, making them suitable for both beginners and more experienced folders.
  4. Creative Community:
    • Pinterest fosters a creative community where users can share their own creations and find inspiration from others. Exploring different boards and following origami enthusiasts helped me discover new techniques and innovative approaches to folding.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Quality and Consistency:
    • One challenge I encountered was ensuring the quality and reliability of tutorials. Not all pins provided clear instructions or accurate folding techniques. It required discernment to choose pins from reputable sources or verified tutorials.
  2. Navigating Diversity:
    • Pinterest offers a vast range of origami projects, which can be overwhelming to navigate. I focused on specific themes and techniques to streamline my exploration and maximize learning.

Reflection on the Learning Process:

Using Pinterest as a resource for learning origami has been a fulfilling experience. The platform’s visual nature and curated collections provided endless possibilities for creativity and skill development.

Key Learnings and Insights:

  • Pinterest inspired me to explore new origami designs and techniques that I hadn’t considered before. It encouraged experimentation and creativity in my folding process.
  • Following step-by-step guides and tutorials on Pinterest improved my folding techniques and precision. I learned new folds and approaches that expanded my origami repertoire.

Looking Forward:

As I conclude my origami learning project, I am grateful for the diverse resources that have enriched my journey. Pinterest, with its visual inspiration and comprehensive tutorials, provided a fitting conclusion to my exploration of origami techniques and designs. Moving forward, I plan to continue practicing and refining my skills, incorporating the lessons learned from each platform I explored.


Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey through the art of origami. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as I continue to explore new creative pursuits!

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