Grade 1 (Science) – Exploring the Needs of Living Things

Subject/Grade: Science/1    

Lesson Title: Exploring the Needs of Living Things

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results


LT1.2 – Analyse different ways in which plants, animals, and humans interact with various natural and constructed environments to meet their basic needs.

a) Identify the physical needs (i.e. food, water, air, and shelter) that plants, animals, and humans require for survival. 

Treaty Education:

HC1 – Explore the many ways people meet their needs from nature and the land on which they live. 

Key Understandings: (‘I Can’ statements)

  • I can identify the basic needs required for survival
  • I can understand the similarities and differences between the needs of plants, animals and humans
  • I can understand that different creatures meet their needs in different ways
Essential or Key Questions:

  1. What challenges do plants, animals, and humans encounter when attempting to meet their basic needs?
  2. How are human’s needs different from the needs of animals, plants, and non-living things?
  3. What makes each living thing unique? 

Prerequisite Learning:

  • Students should have a basic understanding of vocabulary related to living things (e.g. plants, animals, survival, environment, etc.)
  • It would be helpful is students already have some knowledge about the basic needs of living things
  • Students may benefit from a basic introduction to the concept of living things, their characteristics, and the idea that all living things have needs

Instructional Strategies: 

  • Class Discussion
  • Interactive Activity
  • Leadership Opportunity 

Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning

Utilise an Assessment Checklist while circulating the table groups, and gauge student learning through the lesson. 

Stage 3: Build Learning Plan

Set (Engagement):                   Length of Time: 20 minutes

Development:                             Length of Time: 15 minutes

  • Introduce the Basic Needs Interactive Activity
  • Explain to students that as each slide is displayed on the screen, they will be asked to discuss their ideas with their table groups and once their table agrees on the answer, one person will raise their hand to answer. 
  • Once the class reaches the correct answer, one student who is showing leadership will be invited to the front to use the smartboard and move the correct image to the correct position on the screen. 

Learning Closure:                    Length of Time: 10 minutes

  • Invite the students to all stand up and show how a (snake, crab, bunny, etc.) move around.
  • Pass out the Basic Needs Colouring Page  and ask students to utilise the crayons on their desk to complete the page.
  • Circulate around the room and gauge student learning:
  1. Can you name one thing that would help a plant grow better in its environment?
  2. What are the basic needs that animals have in common?
  3. Name the four basic needs?
  4. Can you give an example of a shelter we discussed today and name an animal that lives there?
  5. How are our needs similar to or different from the needs of plants and animals?

Possible Adaptations/Differentiation:

  • Utilise visuals to support EAL students
  • Provide additional support for students who are struggling
  • Pose more complex questions to students who are advancing quickly

Management Strategies:

  • 1-2-3 Eyes on Me (Review)
  • Emphasise that only students showing “leadership” will get called on to use the board
  • If students are acting silly, they will get moved away from their table group (either to C Table or right in front of SmartBoard) 
  • Circulate around the classroom, providing positive reinforcement for on task behaviour 

Safety Considerations:

  • Set clear expectations for respectful and responsible use of technology
  • Establish clear guidelines for respectful communication
  • Be3 mindful of student dynamics and be prepared to adjust groups as needed to maintain a positive and safe learning environment
Stage 4: Reflection