EDTC 300,  Learning Project

Exploring the Origami Fold & Learn App

This week, I ventured into a new territory in my origami learning journey by using the app “Origami Fold & Learn.” After making significant progress with YouTube tutorials, I was curious to see how an app designed specifically for origami instruction would enhance my skills.

App Overview:

Origami Fold & Learn is an app that offers a structured approach to learning origami. It features a wide range of projects categorized by difficulty levels, from beginner to advanced. The app provides step-by-step instructions with clear visual aids, making it easy to follow along. I was particularly excited to explore this app because it promised a more interactive and guided learning experience compared to videos.

Projects Completed:

This week, I focused on a mix of beginner and intermediate projects to test the app’s functionality and instructional quality. Here are the specific models I created:

Pop-up Star
Cherry Blossom

Advantages of Using the Origami Fold & Learn App:

  1. Structured Learning Path:
    • The app provides a clear progression path, guiding users from simple to complex models. This structure helped me build my skills incrementally and gave me a sense of accomplishment as I moved through different levels.
  2. Interactive Features:
    • One of the standout features of the app is its interactive nature. Users can rotate and zoom in on the 3D models to see each fold from different angles. This was particularly useful for understanding complex folds and ensuring accuracy.
  3. Step-by-Step Instructions:
    • The step-by-step instructions are detailed and accompanied by high-quality images. Each step is broken down into manageable parts, making it easier to follow and replicate the folds.
  4. Offline Access:
    • Unlike YouTube videos, the app can be used offline. This flexibility allowed me to practice origami wherever I was, without worrying about internet connectivity.

Challenges Faced:

  1. Lack of Video Content:
    • While the app’s instructions are comprehensive, I missed the dynamic aspect of video tutorials. Videos provide a flow and context that static images sometimes lack. In some cases, watching a fold in motion is more intuitive than interpreting a series of still images.
  2. Limited Community Interaction:
    • The app lacks the community interaction that platforms like YouTube offer. I missed the ability to read comments, ask questions, and receive feedback from fellow origami enthusiasts. This sense of community support was something I found valuable in my previous weeks of learning.
  3. Cost Barrier:
    • The Origami Fold & Learn app requires payment to download. This can be a significant barrier for those who are not ready to invest money into their origami hobby just yet. For a comprehensive learning experience, users may need to consider whether the cost is justified for their level of interest and commitment.

Reflection on the Learning Process:

Using the Origami Fold & Learn app has been a valuable addition to my origami learning journey. The structured approach and interactive features provided a new perspective on the art of paper folding. I found that the app’s clear instructions and visual aids helped me improve my precision and accuracy with folds. However, I also realized the importance of combining different learning methods. While the app is excellent for detailed instruction and practice, video tutorials offer a dynamic and engaging learning experience that can’t be entirely replicated by static images.


Thank you for following along with my journey. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as I explore new tools and techniques in the art of origami!


  • Hailey Harris

    Hi Anna!
    I really like how you have structured your blog post! It is very easy to read, and I like that you have advantages and disadvantages of the source you have tried. You said that this app costs money. Is it only a one-time payment, or do you need to pay to access different folds?
    Your creations from this week look amazing! I am excited to see what you make next!

  • Bridget Maloney

    Hi Anna! Your pieces from the week are so beautiful. You have made so much progress from your first post. I like the way you broke down the Origami Fold and Learn app, it was very well organized and informative. It is really neat that you can use an app like this to practice origami on the go. I wonder if it would be a useful tool for practicing on road trips or flights, as this could be a great hobby to pass the time while traveling. I am looking forward to seeing your continued progress and wrap up of your project! Thank you for sharing!

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