EDTC 300,  Learning Project

Reflecting on My Origami Journey

Photo by twilightmoon from Vecteezy

As I reach the conclusion of my origami learning project, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the experiences and skills I gained throughout this journey. Over the past weeks, I’ve explored various resources and techniques, each contributing uniquely to my growth as an origami enthusiast. This final post serves as a reflection on my learning experience and the insights gained along the way.

Initial Exploration:

I began my journey with a curiosity sparked by a desire to learn a new skill that could enrich both my personal life and future career as an educator. Starting from basic folds and simple projects, I gradually built my confidence and technique, laying a solid foundation for more intricate designs.

Resources Explored:

Throughout the project, I utilized a diverse range of resources to expand my origami knowledge:

  • Blog PostsThese posts provided step-by-step tutorials accompanied by images, helping me understand and practice the basic folds. Following written instructions and photos was a great way to start my journey.
  • YouTube Tutorials: These provided dynamic visual demonstrations and auditory instructions, making complex folds more accessible. From animals to geometric shapes, each tutorial offered a new challenge and learning opportunity.
  • TikTok Tutorials: Short and engaging, TikTok tutorials provided quick insights and tips on folding techniques, challenging me to adapt to a fast-paced learning environment.
  • Origami Fold & Learn App: Despite the initial hurdle of cost, this app offered structured learning modules and interactive features that enhanced my technical skills and understanding of origami principles.
  • Pinterest Inspiration: The visual nature of Pinterest inspired creativity and exploration. I discovered a multitude of designs, from traditional models to innovative variations, which broadened my understanding of origami’s artistic possibilities.

Challenges and Growth:

Alongside the joys of discovery, I faced challenges that tested my patience and perseverance:

  • Precision and Detail: Achieving precise folds, especially in complex designs, required meticulous attention to detail and multiple attempts to master.
  • Navigating Resources: Each platform brought its own set of challenges, from verifying tutorial accuracy on Pinterest to adapting quickly to video tutorials on YouTube and TikTok.

Personal Development:

This journey went beyond mastering folds; it fostered my own personal growth in various dimensions:

  • Creativity: Exploring diverse designs sparked creativity and innovation, encouraging me to experiment with my own variations and interpretations.
  • Persistence: Overcoming challenges taught me the value of persistence and dedication in skill development, qualities that will serve me well in future endeavours.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with online communities on different platforms provided a supportive environment for sharing progress, receiving feedback, and connecting with fellow enthusiasts.

Learning origami has been a transformative experience, blending artistry with technical skill. It has taught me invaluable lessons about discipline, creativity, and the joy of continuous learning. As I look back on my journey, I am grateful for the opportunities to explore and grow through this ancient art form.

Week 1 Update

Week 2 Progress Update

Week 3 Progress Update

Week 4 Progress Update

Week 5 Progress Update

Week 6 Progress Update

In the Future:

While this learning project concludes here, my journey with origami continues. I plan to integrate this newfound skill into my educational practices, using it as a tool for creativity and engagement in the classroom. Additionally, I look forward to further refining my techniques and exploring more complex designs in my personal origami practice.

Thank you for joining me on this enriching journey through the world of origami. I hope my experiences have inspired you to embark on your own creative pursuits and embrace the joy of lifelong learning. Stay tuned for future adventures and explorations!

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