Teaching Philosophy and Manifesto

Teaching Philosophy

  1. I believe that our past does not define our future.
  2. I believe that every child has the right to a proper education no matter their race, gender, religion, culture, language or sexuality.
  3. I believe that all students deserve the right to have their voices heard.
  4. I believe that learning should be fun.
  5. I believe in instilling a love for nature.
  6. I believe in the power of empathy.
  7. I believe in acknowledging diversity.
  8. I believe that every child learns at their own pace.
  9. I believe in treating every person you meet with respect and kindness.
  10. I believe that every child has the right to be authentically themselves.
  11. I believe in the importance of creativity.
  12. I believe in fostering a sense of community.
  13. I believe in the power of collaboration.
  14. I believe that making mistakes makes a person stronger.
  15. I believe in lifelong learning.
  16. I believe in promoting critical thinking.
  17. I believe that we all have a story.
  18. I believe in celebrating achievements, big and small.
  19. I believe that every child matters.
  20. I believe in utilizing diverse teaching methods, such as project-based learning, group activities, and real-world applications, to cater to different learning styles.
  21. I believe that assessments should not only measure knowledge but also encourage problem-solving skills and the practical application of concepts.
  22. I believe in actively integrating diverse perspectives into the curriculum, addressing systemic biases, and fostering a sense of belonging for every student.
  23. I believe in promoting a growth mindset and resilience, preparing students for a world of adaptability and continuous learning are essential.
  24. I believe in fair and unbiased assessments that consider the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students.
  25. I believe in empowering students to be advocates for social justice, fostering a sense of responsibility for positive change in their communities.


  1. In my classroom, I will ensure that our past does not limit our future, fostering an environment where each student is encouraged to dream big and reach for their highest potential.
  2. In my classroom, I will uphold the belief that every child, regardless of race, gender, religion, culture, language, or sexuality, has the right to a proper education, creating an inclusive space that celebrates diversity.
  3. In my classroom, I will actively listen to and value the voices of all students, providing a platform for them to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns.
  4. In my classroom, I will strive to make learning fun, incorporating creative and engaging teaching methods to inspire a love for learning among my students.
  5. In my classroom, I will nurture a connection with nature, incorporating opportunities for students to appreciate and respect the natural world.
  6. In my classroom, I will instil a love for empathy, encouraging students to understand and appreciate the perspectives and experiences of their peers.
  7. In my classroom, I will acknowledge and celebrate the diversity within our community, fostering an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and appreciation for each individual’s unique background and experiences.
  8. In my classroom, I will recognize that every child learns at their own pace, implementing personalized approaches to education that cater to the varied learning styles and needs of my students.
  9. In my classroom, I will prioritize treating every person with respect and kindness, modelling positive behaviour and creating a culture of mutual respect among students and staff.
  10. In my classroom, I will create a space where every child feels accepted and encouraged to be authentically themselves, embracing their individuality and uniqueness.
  11. In my classroom, I will foster creativity, providing opportunities for students to explore and express their unique talents in various creative ways.
  12. In my classroom, I will cultivate a sense of community, creating an inclusive and supportive environment where students feel a strong sense of belonging.
  13. In my classroom, I will encourage collaboration, emphasizing the importance of working together and learning from one another.
  14. In my classroom, I will view mistakes as opportunities for growth, fostering a supportive environment that encourages resilience and a positive attitude towards learning.
  15. In my classroom, I will promote lifelong learning, instilling in students the idea that education is a continuous journey that extends beyond the classroom.
  16. In my classroom, I will promote critical thinking, guiding students to question assumptions and think analytically about the world around them.
  17. In my classroom, I will recognize and honour the importance of each student’s story, creating a sense of belonging and understanding among the members of our learning community.
  18. In my classroom, I will celebrate achievements, big and small, fostering a positive and motivating atmosphere that recognizes and values each student’s accomplishments.
  19. In my classroom, I will ensure that every child matters, creating an environment where each student is seen, heard, and valued, fostering a sense of importance, belonging, and worth in their educational journey.
  20. In my classroom, I will implement a variety of pedagogical approaches, including hands-on projects and collaborative activities, ensuring that each student has opportunities to engage with the material in ways that resonate with their unique learning preferences.
  21. In my classroom, I will design assessments that go beyond rote memorization, incorporating real-life scenarios and application-based tasks to assess students’ understanding and critical thinking abilities.
  22. In my classroom, I will intentionally select diverse reading materials, incorporate inclusive language, and create a safe space where students feel heard, respected, and represented, regardless of their background.
  23. In my classroom, I will instil a love for lifelong learning by incorporating self-directed projects, encouraging curiosity-driven inquiries, and providing resources that extend learning beyond the curriculum.
  24. In my classroom, I will implement a variety of assessment methods, including formative assessments, peer evaluations, and project-based assessments, to ensure fairness and inclusivity. Additionally, I will provide constructive feedback that acknowledges individual progress, fostering a positive learning experience for every student.
  25. In my classroom, I will actively cultivate a culture of social justice advocacy; through meaningful discussions, projects, and community engagement, I will provide students with the tools and knowledge to identify and address social issues.