EC & I 834

Blended Learning in the Classroom

The learning model in my school which involves the use of technology in the classroom where students learn by combining an online web app with our day to day traditional teaching methods has been successful since its implementation.

We have changed the kind of company providing the learning model, but I have seen its implementation last year and this year. For literacy, we have had success implementing Elevate last year but since it was less interactive than Lexia (what we implemented this year), a change was made. Reading levels of students have been slowly progressing upward, but it is in those students who are actively completing the required number of minutes that are recommended. There are, however, some pitfalls too. Since many of these platforms come from USA, they are not according to the strands which are being followed in Ontario, where I teach. Individual lessons, when a student faces difficulty is sometimes difficult to provide since students become uncomfortable when they are singled out for a lesson. I need to usually call 2 students and give them the lesson together. One major problem that we did overcome is connectivity which is separate for each classroom. We have different Wi-Fi which helps because setting 15 students at the same time was a problem earlier. We also had to get individual computers for each student. In math, I use prodigy which is quite successful in my class. However, I feel its not enough and my class needs more practice. And in science and social, I have created a couple of Kahoots which help in assessment and fun. My 6th graders are able to search for information but to correctly put down what I am asking for, sometimes, is a challenge. I try to be very specific in the information I seek. If not, I get a ton of information.

As a student in my Masters, I find learning online to be comfortable. The courses are easier to work upon and complete. I also find syncronous meetings engaging and the pattern of assignments interesting. In totality, the blended learning model works for me.