A free ASL course online – Post #8
What I am learning that I didn’t assume at the beginning of this, is that there are quite a lot of free resources online for teaching ASL!
With this website: startasl.com, I love that is has this getting started video for all the people starting to use the site. Learning a new language can be quite daunting on its own, let alone trying to navigate through the websites you’re trying to find to learn said language with. I feel like this way, resources on the site will not go to waste as well.

I really enjoy the tips and tricks that each source is offering individually. The first tip I saw from this site that I loved when I was clicking though and checking it out, was this Expressive fingerspelling Practice. I have noticed that I definitely need help with fingerspelling. I have know how to sign the alphabet for as long as I can remember but trying to spell words can feel a lot like

patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time. As someone who is a musician, I feel I should have more dexterity in my fingers from finger exercises but it seem it is not the case. So, taking this idea and signing the letters as I read is a great idea. When I tried it, it did slow down the speed I was reading significantly. Therefore, this would not be a technique I use when reading articles for school… yet at least. Maybe as I become more proficient, this is something I will be able to do really fast. Time will tell!
As we are University students, having a website set up with curriculum outcomes and having a syllabus for each lesson is something that is clear, concise and familiar. I love that there are attached materials for the new language learners to view and are all relevant to the learning for that lesson.

To top off the amazing points of this site, there are relevant video links to vocabulary learned in each lesson for review if the student needs it. These are all compiled into a review video of all of them as well so going over them, the student doesn’t have to click on each and every word, it will just autoplay the next one. Love that. If I had to click on each word there would be no way I would do that.

Other videos on this site that are beyond useful are watching conversations. If you were to do this with a friend, you could print off the script from these videos and try it out in real time!
Overall I feel that this website it a huge asset to anyone wanting to learn ASL. The first course load of 12 units, is free for an unlimited amount of time and after a sample of the 2nd course, you would have to pay to continue going forward with this resource. After you complete the first course (complete with a midterm and final exam) you receive a certificate of complete which is super cool as well!!
My something new I learned: in ASL you use one hand to sign numbers 1-10. My wondering for today now is.. how to sign numbers greater than 10!!