Blog #4- Learning Theories
Provide a brief summary of your understanding of the three learning theories introduced in the readings (behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism).
Learning happens in so many different ways and it was interesting to discover the different theories involved in education. To start, there is behaviorism. This theory is affected by the environmental factors involved in forming the child’s behavioral habits. It is important for students because it teaches them how to react to the people or events around them. Learning through watching the environment around them is beneficial for the way they learn. Next is cognitivism, this theory is revolved around the mechanisms inside the brain involved in receiving, organizing, memorizing, and all other factors involved in learning, understanding, and overcoming problems. this is important for the entire learning process. If cognitivism did not work correctly we could not learn at all. lastly, there is constructivism. This theory is important for learning as well; this is where teachers play a role to aid children through knowledge. your experience as you shape the way you see the world and this can be different for everyone.
How can you connect these learning theories with the models of curriculum (product, process, and praxis in particular) that we have discussed? What learning theories did you see reflected in your own schooling experiences?
Hello Ashley,
You did a great job with summarizing the three learning theories! I want to note to you that the behaviorism theory depends heavily on stimuli as the stimuli invokes certain behavioral responses. For cognitivism theory, I agree with how it is important for the overall learning process as it has the “domains of learning” and expresses how we learn through a process of learning, understanding, then experiencing. Lastly for constructivism theory, I noticed more the theme of believing knowledge comes from your own perceptions and experiences. The constructivism theory believes that personal meaning and reflection is an important role as they believe we construct new knowledge with our own perspectives.
There are definitely some prominent connections between the learning theories and models of curriculum. Could you connect these theories to the models of curriculum?
Also have you seen these learning theories reflected in your school experience?
Personally I believe I had a mainly behaviorist and cognitivist approach in my school experience as my school focused on receiving good grades, knowing my information, and being able to do what was learnt on a test or assignment rather than focusing on my personal perspectives on topics. I would love to hear about your experience and if yours was different!
Hope to hear back from you.
Thanks for sharing,