
Week 10

To find a painting to reference, it was quite challenging. For this last painting, I wanted to try something abstract. therefore, I searched “easy abstract watercolour paintings” into the google images search bar. After searching for a while, I found this image. I would also like to note here that i have decided to use pink paint instead of yellow paint in my own creation. I made this decision because I seem to have a lot of issues arise when I use yellow paint, such as the colours blending together.

To begin, I painted on a pink rectangle in the top left corner. Then, I eventually began adding more boxes over each other. To draw the squares/rectangles, I began by outlining the shape and then painting it in afterwards. One thing that I noticed within this painting was that if I wanted to overlap at all, I would need to plan this beforehand. This became the case since I could not draw a complete rectangle or square and then draw something over/under it without colours combining.

As I was painting, I also happened to notice that some of the rectangles/squares were drying in an odd way. Since I drew an outline first and oftentimes would draw quite a few different outlines before painting anything in, the outline dried first. This created a very visible line around each shape even after it had been painted in. To fix this issue as much as possible, I re-painted each shape at the end that had noticeable lines to make it less visible. In the future, I am curious as to how I can do this painting without any lines visible from the start.

Overall, this painting has been my favourite to sit down and do. Due to the chaos of the last few weeks in the semester, I have barely been given anytime to myself. By dong this painting, I focused solely on the shapes being made. This allowed for my mind to be taken off my chaotic schedule, even if it was only for a few hours.

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