
Week 3

Originally, I was going to complete the week 2 and 3 separately for additional practice. However, after completing the creation in week 2, I found myself able to answer the questions proposed for week 3. The questions proposed were:

  • What happens if there is lots of water mixed in?
  • What happens if there is very little water mixed in?
  • What happens if you press the paintbrush down hard?
  • What happens if you lightly push the paintbrush?

What happens if there is lots of water mixed in?

I noticed that my red had a bit more water mixed in compared to some of the other colours. Since there was more water mixed in, the red appeared to have less of a pigment. Additionally, it began to bleed into some of the other colours quite a bit.

What happens if there is very little water mixed in?

The orange seemed to appear quite dark on the paper when compared to other colours. A reason for this might be that less water was mixed in. My belief is that due to less water being mixed in, the pigment was stronger. Additionally, I noticed that the orange stayed in one area without bleeding into other colours. This can also be seen as a result of less/very little water being mixed in.

What happens if you press the paintbrush down hard?

I was quite scared to press down too hard with my paintbrush onto the paper in case the paintbrush broke on me. However, as I used the dark yellow, I pressed a bit harder and noticed no bleeding.

What happens if you lightly push the paintbrush?

with the light yellow, I gently stroke the paintbrush across the page with minimal pressure. As it is shown in the images, the yellow seemed to be less pigmented. Additionally, there was less water residue when I minimized the pressure on the paintbrush.

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