About Me

About Me

Hi, my name is Ashley Wilkinson and this is my Eportfolio!

As I said my name is Ashley and I am from Lloydminster Saskatchewan. I moved to Regina with my younger sister at the end of August 2021. I am in the elementary education program for students from kindergarten to the fifth grade. I graduated high school in Lloydminster in 2013. I am in my second year of university classes at the University of Regina. I have past education at Lakeland College in Lloydminster and at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

I say that I have old lady hobbies as I love to cross-stitch or diamond paint in my spare time. The little dog in my picture is named Ollie. He is three years old and is my big sucky baby.

I have been dreaming of being a teacher since I was little. I am very grateful to be in education classes and to have this opportunity to learn and grow.

My best friends baby / my niece Harper