Focus Questions

Focus question 1- Teachers, Knowledge, Building Relationships: Invitation and Hospitality

The way teachers showed knowing and doing in the classroom is they, they show us the importance of respecting others and would represent how to show each student how to treat others and act in the classroom. I believe the main way in showing knowing in the classroom is to show confidence while teaching. Ways to do that is to keep a positive tone of voice and to always figure out a way to solve problems that may occur in the classroom. Teachers have honoured the ways of knowing in my classroom by showing us how classroom tasks can be done in the end rewarding us. This showed the students the teachers know they’re doing the tasks which are assigned to them, and that the students understand the lesson that is to be taken away from each lesson.

In my school, teachers build a community space by engaging with us more and listening to each story we tell. It is very important to record each student, focus on the ways they do things or act around others. This will help teachers work with each student the right way and build a connection. Growing up in a small school you feel more connected. Teachers need to grow a connection with their students, so they learn how each student learns better. Students need to understand that teachers are also human.

Ways to build hospitality in their classroom is the visibility in the classroom, like decorations. Another way is to have a welcoming face on at all times to help your students stay in the right mood. Personally, for me, this really impacts me as soon as I walk into a gathering the moods of others around me rub off right onto me. Just like how in school Mondays were always rough for everyone, not that there was a reason for that, it’s just that when one person tends to be sluggish the entire classroom of students become sluggish. Respects each kid’s beliefs, and thoughts. For the older kids, we need to make sure we create a safe space for them and help break down the walls of being afraid to give their opinions.

Focus question 3- Truth and Reconciliation

Throughout my k-12 learning of history, I have learnt about the importance of each culture, and how history has repeated itself over and over. One thing I noticed throughout all my history classes is to embrace the indigenous people, and their worldview. I didn’t do any Native studies specifically however throughout my English classes I’ve learnt many traditional things about the metes. I found it interesting learning about the early beliefs of indigenous people through poems and short stories. My main takeaway was how the land is a starter and builder to their culture Media has tough me many things about indigenous people. It has shown me how negatively their lives have been treated and forgotten about. I have learnt different ways to acknowledge indigenous people in different ways. That will help me become a better person and help bring the values of indigenous people back. The TRC booklet is about showing forgiveness and different ways to support those who are victims of racism by denial of the truth. This booklet is there to help people realize how the indigenous are being treated and forgotten about, and how we can change that by doing simple actions. This book is all about resolving conflicts from the past. The message that resonated with me was “Everything we do matters, and everything we do has a ripple effect” this really resonated with me because I have never realized how every little action or decision a person makes will affect them in their day to day lives. It shows how we need to step up in this world and work together to make the right decision and have a positive rippling effect. I want to learn about the other side of the story, that is because I want to know why they felt the right to treat aboriginal people like that. This will help me as a teacher because if I hear a student saying things to other students that may hurt them. I can stop the student and help them become a better person by showing them the right way to teach and think of a person.