Throughout the semester I have learned so many valuable skills and tools I can take with me on my teaching journey. From not knowing how to blog or use Twitter to writing weekly and daily posts. After taking EDTC300 I have learned the importance of an online presence. Social media plat forms can be used to amplify your teaching experience by sharing ideas with others. The media is also an important tool to fact check to make sure you are teaching your students the right information and not just your biased opinion. Some of the tools we have used over the semester are Twitter, blogs and Discord.
Throughout the semester we have been building our twitter platform by commenting on others posts and adding our own posts using the hashtag #EDTC300. Here is a video of some my twitter page:
I have also had the pleasure of making a blog throughout the semester. My blog contained posts about learning topics we covered throughout the course and of my Learning Project. It is important not only to post your own thought but to also comment and engage with others. Here are a few pictures of some of the comments I have left on others blogs this semester.

Discord is a tool our class has used to communicate with each other over the semester. If anyone has any questions they can post it in the chat and someone will answer. It has also been used to share great ideas! It is a great way for students to be able to stay in contact and ask each other questions. It is a great way to learn from each other.
This semester I have learned many valuable skills from building an online presence to learning how to use different online platforms and tools for the classroom. This class will help me bring new ideas to my future classroom. I have not only learned from the assignments but also by engaging with the students in the class.