By integrating coding in the classroom an educator can enhance the creativity, thinking power and learning abilities of the students. Learning coding in the schools help the students to shape their future in a better way.

Value of Coding for Students:
Coding help the students to face different challenges by breaking them into small parts and then solve them as a result it enhance their problem solving skills and make them more creative. With the help of coding students can innovate their own games, apps and animated creatures and can bring their thoughts into reality and get a source through which their imagination can turn into functionality. They become the creator of technology rather then just users. It also help them to prepare for their future careers in different areas such as health, education and finance.
Do all students benefit?
Although coding provides equal access and benefits but all students are not equally engaged with it. Students who belongs to the underprivileged areas are not having the adequate resources as a result they lack behind. As all the learners have different way of learning so, many learners are not able to adapt the learning style of coding activities.
Should only Techies teach coding?
I think that not only techies but educators can also teach coding in the schools. There are many platforms which help the educators to learn coding as well as to teach the same in the classroom side by side. It is a technique which facilitates the problem solving skills so the technical mastery is not the necessity. There are different resources available for the educators such as tutorials, coding camps which help the educators to boost their confidence of teaching coding.