Who? You? Me? Us? Uh… CAT!

June 8, 2022 3 By Benton Froc

“I must say I’m not 100% fluent in Sign Language, but I am working on it!”

Sandra Oakley

Well, I am not anywhere close to the 100% (maybe 2%?) but I am working on it! This past week, I decided to tackle the pronouns: I, You, He/She/It, We, They, and You (all of you). This includes the possessive forms, and just for kicks I threw in some emotions and general vocabulary words! Spoiler: yes, I did learn the sign for cat, big surprise.

I used the program I have been learning from on StackSkills specifically designed for the possessives! Here are some images from the learning process:

This guy (his name is Michael Honkanen, and you can learn more about his story and why he does what he does here) has been phenomenal in the learning process. He spends a decent amount of time reviewing what he is teaching, as well as making sure that I have time to test out and review what I learned in chunks, rather than all at once.

I also liked that he sequentially introduced vocabulary into the pronoun lessons as well. While searching for tips on learning a new language, one of the points I found useful was to start with the 100 most common words.

“Not all vocabulary is created equal. Some gives you a better return on investment than others.”

Mark Manson

While learning the words “cat” and “purse” aren’t exactly high usage for me, I figured that making some words fun and kind of random would help me remember them, especially when I try to work on them with sentences.

And here is my progress so far, thanks for following along!