I build relationships.
I invest time in getting to know my students and their learning styles, needs, and goals.
I learn the names of my students and pronounce them correctly.
I create meaningful connections with parents and communities to fully support my students.
I commit to accessing students’ funds of knowledge to engage them in learning.
I acknowledge my bias.
I identify how my socialization shapes my perspective on education and of others.
I challenge my belief systems that are inconsiderate or untrue.
I recognize that my past experiences contribute to my identity but do not define me.
I allow myself the freedom to change and be more inclusive of others’ perspectives.
I improve every day.
I reflect on my teaching: the successes, the mistakes, and ways I can improve.
I take risks and encourage students to do the same.
I give myself permission to make mistakes, with the intent of learning from them.
I seek professional development opportunities and integrate new knowledge into my teaching philosophy and practice.
I create a safe learning space.
I am intentional about building community and rapport with students and fellow educators.
I encourage students to voice their concerns, opinions, and perspectives.
I integrate differentiation and adaptive dimension components into my teaching.
I listen with intent.