Take Away : Learning Summary. EC&I 830
Hello everyone,
Welcome to my learning summary. I can not believe we have come to an end of this journey. I did not have any idea what I am about to learn. I knew it would be somewhat about technology. At first I was feeling, this is not my cup of tea. But thanks to professor Katia, she made it easy. I got deeper understanding of association of technology and education, as I discussed with my friend and mentor Mishti after the debate. She is the one who recommended me to take this course.
When I was signing up for the debate, I was thinking what left to debate for these topics. Because it felt there is nothing to debate. Every statements seemed to be true! We have debated on five contemporary issues of educational technology. Like technology enhances education, social media ruining childhood, AI technology revolutionizes education for the better, cell phone should be banned in class room and finally technology has led to a more equitable society.
Eventually as I heard from both sides, my opinion got shifted. Debaters made think there is no right or wrong answers in terms of technology. As long as we know how to use them appropriately. It is true technology also comes with its baggage. Change is always unsettling. So blending and balancing our life-style with technology is tricky. It will take lots of work.
The world of technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, shaping the way we work, communicate, learn and live. It will evolve regardless where we stand. When it comes to technology, some people may feel it is taking over our lives and that we need to go back to the analog ways of the past, but I don’t see technology as a problem. I feel we should be flexible and embrace it both personally and professionally.
The current generations only know the world as Internet and screen-based. These kids are used to gaining information with a mere tap on a screen. It’s very different than how things used to be done and even more different than how we could’ve ever imagined. We need to educate our new generation with these new digital tools in order to maximize their potential and give them ownership of their own academic trajectory. Students have more voice than ever before, and showing them how to use it in positive and learning-inclined ways can empower them to success.
In my learning summary video, I have discussed the comprehensive overview of the debate topics. Please excuse my amateur work. I know I look like a zombie in there and I do not want to go into details of all typical obstacles while making this video. For the record, tried to film probably more than 50 times and my laptop probably hanged 6/7 times along with other things.
I want to thank you all my classmates and professor Katia. Have a good day. Stay safe.
I also would love to continue this course. This is the first course I have taken in a while that has really engaged me and made me want to engage with the content. I also agree with the Discord group. I have one with a group for a previous course, but that was made by the students. It was a nice place to see the questions popping up in real time. Blogging was also a point of joy for me. I had a blog for undergrad that I stopped using, and honestly, I don’t know why. It is such a great chance to collaborate and talk to other educators. Keep playing around with tech, Bithy, don’t be discouraged! The more play, the more fun (and maybe a bit of anger).
I really appreciate your support Carol. I am encouraged. I really enjoyed this course. It was lots of fun. Who knew one could learn with chatting and commenting with each other. I really wish we could have more time together. Hope to see you in different course.
What an amazing journey it has been! Your learning summary accurately describes the transformation and growth you’ve experienced during the course. It’s encouraging to watch how you progressed from uncertainty to better knowledge and appreciation for the convergence of technology and education. Your observations on the arguments highlight the complexities of these problems.
Thank you for sharing your honest ideas and experiences, including the difficulties you had while creating your video!
Thank you Olajide. I am happy that I managed to pull it off.
Hi Bithy
The course has really been eye opening to practical issues and benefits of using technology in education. Technology is part of us and will continue to transform our lives for the good. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and challenges experienced while putting the video together. You eventually made it through and it looks professional.
I enjoyed this summary of learning. It was good to see you describing the content. You have touched on all the themes and have described them well. What kind of platform did you use? I would love to know.
Hi Aradhana, I tried to make by canva. But i suffered as my laptop continued to hang. Then I simply put it in my slides and made a ppt. Afterward made my script to narrate and inserted video recording. I thought I could finish it by single take. Alas, construction and lawn mowing needed to be done for last two weeks. I spend my whole day but waited for the town to go asleep and finally managed to finish after midnight. But thank you for appreciating my work.
Your learning summary for EC&I 830 is reflective and inspiring, showcasing the depth of your engagement with the course material. I particularly appreciate how you highlighted the importance of digital equity and the ethical considerations of integrating technology into education. My main takeaway is your comprehensive understanding of these issues and their practical implications. Reflecting on your experiences and insights from this course, what strategies or approaches do you plan to implement in your future teaching practices to integrate technology while focusing on equity and inclusivity effectively?
I really enjoyed your learning summary. You explained all the debate themes very clearly and effectively. Thank you for your guidance throughout this course. I especially loved the editing—it made the content engaging and easy to follow.