1. Follow a path

I took this photo, as well as most others, while I was in my hometown during reading week. It’s a walking path at my local park. I chose to walk over here with my younger cousins during the day. We spent some time at the park and walked around the track. Doing it really just brings back memories. Our school ran this track during the Terry Fox Run. I remember how, at the time, we all groaned at how we had to go walk and run for two hours. Looking back now, I remember how much fun it was. Walking and talking with your friends, joking, spraying our water bottles at each other, running into the bushes to try and hide from the teachers so they didn’t catch you not walking. It brings a feeling of nostalgia to me today.

2. Find a sit spot

I chose this spot for my sit spot. It’s really not all that special, but I always remember it fondly. I remember when I was young, on trips to the park my parents would pack a little pick nick every now and then, and eat at these tables. We didn’t even live all that far from there, it would have been a problem to go home for 20 minutes to get lunch, but we decided to eat there anyway for the change of scenery. Just some fond memories.

3. Map Your Emotions

For as long as I remember, when I need to clear my head, I’ve went on walks. Usually at night when it was warm enough. Living in a household of 6, I enjoyed the peaceful silence and alone-ness for a bit. However, since moving to the city, the feeling of walking around in the middle of the night, especially in my neighborhood, it never sounds like the worlds best idea. I’ve usually went earlier, but this photo is from one that went a bit later.

4. View from a Different Perspective

Back to the hometown for this last one. When I moved to the city, I never realized how different it would be from the small town I grew up in. I wish I had gotten a picture at sunset, or at night to show the difference in the sky. In the city always feels so stuffed up, from the smells of gas, sounds of cars, even the smoggy orange look in the night sky. The best change in perspective I know is the change in the atmosphere when I finally go visit my hometown on breaks and holidays.