Category: Learning Project

The last step, the final touch, the last addition to any cocktail: The garnish. Image taken from The garnish is often seen as the least important part of a cocktail, which may very well be true. However, I’ve always believed there’s something to be gained from them. A garnish will often add a subtle, […]

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Image taken from Layering a drink is a fairly crucial skill for bartending. While it doesn’t have any change in the taste of a drink, it does have an important impact on the drinks presentation. Presentation is pretty important, as more people are interested in buying a drink when it looks really cool. When […]

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Images taken from Farm Fresh Carolina An important thing to remember about mixology, is that there’s never one true recipe. Every bar you enter could have a different way of making any cocktail. Now, they’re usually pretty similar across the board (for example, a regular gin martini will always be gin with a splash of […]

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When talking about different “hard liquor”, there are two terms we use often behind the bar. These are spirits and liqueurs. From my experience in the job, I’ve come to know spirits as your basic liquors. Your vodka, rum, whiskey, gin, tequila, etc. These all tend to be stronger, without much for added flavors. Liqueurs, […]

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