Wesch Reflection

Wesch emphasizes the shift from passive consumption to active participation in the digital age. This means that my future classroom will need to prioritize interactive and collaborative learning experiences over traditional, lecture based instruction. Students today are not just recipients of information they are co creators, contributing to and shaping their learning environments. In my […]

Tech Tool Investigation

This week, I explored a new tech tool called Padlet. Padlet is an online bulletin board that allows users to post notes, images, links, and other content. It’s a versatile tool that can be used for various collaborative activities in the classroom. In this blog post, I’ll provide an overview and review of Padlet, including […]

Technology Impacts

In today’s digital age, technology takes over nearly every aspect of our lives, significantly shaping our daily routines, both personally and academically. Reflecting on my tech habits, I realize the impact various tools and platforms have on my productivity, and overall well being. The websites, apps, and online platforms I use most frequently fall into […]