Hello Fellow EDTC 300 Community!

Hello my name is Brayden Lovas and this is my third year now in the Faculty of Education. I am a huge sports person and also very into fitness and nutrition to maintain a healthy lifestyle! My background with educational technology is very slim and I am not very familiar with it. In saying that though I am very much looking forward to learning about all of this and as well going into this course with a open mind! Furthermore I do think blogging can be a useful tool for students or anybody in general to be able to express themselves as well as communicate with others and see what other people are thinking. Also since one of my main passions is fitness and working out I actually started a new workout regiment today which is a push, pull, legs routine which I personally haven’t done before! I thought I would share the link with you guys in case anyone is interested!

6 Day Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) Powerbuilding Workout Split & Meal Plan | Muscle & Strength (muscleandstrength.com)



5 Replies to “Hello Fellow EDTC 300 Community!”

  1. Kiera Brennan says: Reply

    Hi Brayden! Thanks for sharing your background! When making blog posts, ensure that you are adding visuals and links within your post. This makes it more personal and interactive. At this point, you are required to have 2 categories on your blog: an EDTC 300 category, where all of your posts should be linked, and a Learning Project category. Refer to videos on the Weekly Plans if you require assistance setting these up. I look forward to reading your next posts about your daily tech habits and an overview of a new tech tool you have discovered. Also, be sure to share what your learning project is!

    1. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

      Thanks For the tips and advice Kiera! Very Helpful.

  2. Mason Coghill says: Reply

    Hey Brayden. Best of luck with the 6 day PPL split! 6 days in a week can be grueling at times and you might end up hating it haha but trust the process and I am sure you’ll see big improvements!

    1. Mason Coghill says: Reply

      Hey Brayden. Best of luck with the 6 day PPL split! 6 days in a week can be grueling at times and you might end up hating it haha but trust the process and I am sure you’ll see big improvements! I worked at a supplement store for 3.5 years and if I could give advice I would 1000% recommend taking creatine daily during this. Your recovery will improve and you will get some strength gains within a few weeks!

      1. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

        Hey Mason I could not think of a better recommendation then the ones you gave on both of your comments about trusting the process as well as creatine. I will have to hit you up for more advice down the road considering your experience at the supplement store.

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