My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Learning Project

Hi Everyone! For my learning project journey I am going to be doing a healthy lifestyle journey which I am very excited for! This Journey is going to consist of gym content, biking content, walking content, and also what I am eating and doing to make sure I am at my best throughout this process. I pay for a gym membership at East Evolution in Regina and that is where my gym content will take place. At the gym I will be doing a push, pull, legs routine which will consist of six workout days the goal of that is to be able to workout each muscle group twice a week. My biking/walking content will be randomly throughout my weeks when I have time to do so. The goal of this is to try to relax and do some additional exercise during my free time after work and school. This will be performed mostly around my area in Regina. What I will be fueling my body with is just as important as what I am doing for my workouts and my other exercise based activities. I will be showing you guys the pre workout drinks I have before the gym. As well as what I am generally eating throughout my days to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as recover from my days.

My main goals for this journey as we progress is to see growth within myself and establish more discipline in my life! Another goal out of this that I wanna achieve is to be able to progressively add more weight to my exercise and progress in how much I am lifting or even how far I am biking or walking.

This is the link to the workout plan I will be following throughout this process… 6 Day Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) Powerbuilding Workout Split & Meal Plan | Muscle & Strength (

This is the gym I attend in Regina… Evolution Fitness Regina « McCarthy | Pasqua | Quance » Gym Club & Fitness Centre in Regina, SK

This is the location of my general area where I will be biking and walking uplands regina map – Search (

Hope you guys enjoy my content and give lots of feedback in my comments for any tips and advice. I am very open to any suggestions when it comes to things like this!

2 Replies to “My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Learning Project”

  1. Brittany Silzer says: Reply

    Hello Brayden,
    Choosing to lead a healthy lifestyle as a learning project is an excellent idea. There’s a vast amount of knowledge and personal development to gain when adopting healthier ways of living. Also, there is no better feeling than lifting heavy at the gym and seeing what our bodies are capable of. Keep up the good work, your body and mind will thank you!

    1. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

      Thank you Brittany appreciate your support!

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