My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Two Learning Project

Hey everyone so today is push day! Down below you will see what I did today for my push workout…

Exercise One: Overhead Press 4sets 8reps 115 pounds.

Exercise Two: Chest Fly 3sets 12reps 130 pounds.

Exercise Three: Incline Bench 4sets 8reps 145 pounds.

Exercise Four: Single Arm Pull Down Both Arms 3sets 12reps 20 pounds.

Exercise Five: EZ Bar Skull Crusher 3sets 12reps 5o pounds.

Exercise Six: Lateral Raise 3sets 12reps 10 pounds.

Core Burnout: Crunch 50reps 1set, Penguins 50reps 1set, Plank 1minute 15seconds 1set.

So this is my first push workout! I felt really good first day of the week so that helps for sure just having energy and not having my muscles fatigued prior. I didn’t each much of anything before this workout as I went at 6:30AM before my work started. I had a Rice Krispie and I had my pre workout which right now for pre workout I am using a brand called pump addict which I tend to like because it is rather high in caffeine the flavor that I am using is sour peach. Looking at my workout though as you can see with the reps and sets listed on my heavy lifts I try to do less reps but more sets and for my lighter lifts I try to go more reps less sets. Throughout this journey though as I mentioned a goal of mine is to continue to progress in adding more weight so we will see how that goes! I would like to progress each week even if it isn’t a significant jump in weight or reps. In most of my lifts I am trying to go to failure each time especially on my heavy lifts.

Looking forward to receiving some feedback!


2 Replies to “My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Two Learning Project”

  1. Brayden! You’re killing it. I commend you for putting your personal learning journey out there! It is not easy to stay motivated (for me, at least). Do you find that by blogging about your learning/progress, there is some built-in accountability? Has it influenced or changed your approach? If so, this may be what I am after… I find I can make my first couple milestones and then I reward my hard work with slacking… It is a pathological cycle paired with a deep-rooted hatred of hard work haha. Teach me your ways!

  2. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

    Yes Kate I would defiantly say it helps with accountability for sure. In saying that though truthfully it can be a bit annoying during your workouts at times filming yourself especially when you are not used to it at least for me. That to me would be the one rather not so fun things of it all. And for the approach comment I would say it has helped because it makes me wanna go up in weights and track my weights I am lifting so I can steadily improve rather then just blindly working out. Honestly what you have to do in my opinion when you are getting started is get that first week of going constantly to the gym out of the way because that is the hardest that first lift that first week after that you can really start building day by day. Hope this helps!

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