My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Five Learning Project

Hey everyone hope all is well! In today’s post I am going to show you guys my other push workout that I do during my weeks. It is probably my favorite workout but it is for sure grueling on your body so having a proper recovery in terms of eating, sleeping, and stretching is huge after this one! And don’t worry the leg workout is coming I promise…

Exercise One: Bench Press 4sets 5reps 205 pounds.

Exercise Two: Lateral Raise 3sets 12reps 20 pounds.

Exercise Three: Incline DB Bench 3sets 5reps 65 pounds.

Exercise Four: Rope Pulldown 3sets 12reps 45 pounds.

Exercise Five: Scull Crusher 3sets 12reps 20 pounds.

Exercise Six: DB Shoulder Press 3sets 5reps 45 pounds.

Exercise Seven: Chest Fly 3sets 12reps 130 pounds.

Exercise Eight: Dips tell failure.

Exercise Nine: Pushups tell failure.

As I mentioned at the top this workout is grueling on your body and I would say its not a workout I do all the time. But somedays at the gym you just have that extra motivation and energy to do a bit more! I worked out with my one friend which I think really helped my motivation and also pushed me to greater heights in terms of work ethic. We essentially did all of our exercises in groups of three so that we would speed our workout up but also increase our time under tension. The overall pump of this workout just felt amazing and heck even as I am typing this my arms still feel pumped from it. Before this workout though different from my last couple posts I actually had a full meal before which consisted of eggs and sausage and a coffee which I think gave me the extra boost necessary to feel great and grind this workout. I wish this was always the case before lifting that I could get a full meal before but just with having such a busy schedule during the weeks the early morning is most optimal and it is tough to eat a meal prior in the early morning.

Hope you guys have been enjoying the content so far.

2 Replies to “My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Five Learning Project”

  1. Bahahah the comment about the leg workout.. SO FUNNY. This workout looks incredible. That must be very hard, good for you for focusing on recovery. I find most people miss that part of working out… but it is so important. SLEEP + HYDRATION + FUEL… run our human body. Without them we would struggle to be where we are. I credit you for pushing yourself. Having a friend near by does help tremendously.
    I find the full meal before the workout interesting… it never felt like it was weighing you down? that may also be something I am telling myself. I have heard if the first thing you eat in the morning is a bite of protein you are ready for the day.

  2. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

    No it didn’t! I generally felt great with a meal in me. Maybe what you could do is eat a rather smaller portion of food that is rather easy on your stomach? Haha and thanks leg days are tough. Appreciate the feedback and the support.

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