My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Four Learning Project

What’s up everyone! Today for my post I am going to tell you guys about my late night bike ride I went on! As mentioned in my first post of these I mentioned that I will be posting about my bike rides or walks that I’ve been doing after work and school to settle down for the night. Also though I’m doing these to get even more active and I thought it would be a great compliment to my workouts. The benefits of doing stuff like biking or walking are tremendous for your mental health especially living in Saskatchewan where we don’t always get to be outside and be active.

For this particular bike ride I biked for about an hour and a half at a fairly decent pace like a fast jog I would say. I biked all over my area in the North end of the city which is Uplands where I reside, as mentioned in my first post there is a map of Uplands on it if you wanna check it out. It was a fairly nice time to bike as it wasn’t overly hot and it also wasn’t overly cold which really helped keep me going. I burned just over 200+ calories on this ride which I thought was pretty decent and my legs definitely felt like I worked them. Mentally though I felt so good after and just so calm and refreshed!

Here are some pictures from my ride:) I highly recommend throwing something like this into your day to day life for the summertime!

Also here is a link to the benefits of going on bike rides in case you wanted to learn more… 13 Benefits Of Cycling For Physical And Mental Health, Per Trainers (


2 Replies to “My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Four Learning Project”

  1. Hi Brayden,
    I went about 20 years without owning a bike, and during the pandemic, my husband bought me a cruiser bike. Once I got the hang of biking again, I really enjoy my evening bike rides around my neighbourhood and chasing after my kids. It can be a great workout, I definitely feel my bike rides the next day (even if they weren’t crazy intense. Good luck as you wrap up the semester and this learning project!

    1. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

      Yes I completely agree Sabrina especially about feeling the bike rides the next day haha. Ya it did seems like during the pandemic was a popular time to do things outside such as biking! Happy to hear you enjoy it as well.

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