My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Eight

Another aspect of this that I thought was important to share with all of you. Is that maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient dense foods. Also though I do think it is important to have cheat days and cheat meals to maintain balance as well. In this post I am going to share with you all what I generally eat in a day to day basis as well as what I like to snack on and cheat with. Here’s an example of what a day of healthy eating might look like for me…


  • Overnight Oats.
  • Smoothie, Berries, Protein Powder.


  • Grilled Chicken Salad.
  • Pepperoni Stick.


  • Salmon.
  • Veggies.
  • Rice.

Snack Before Bed

  • Sometimes this one will differ. Sometimes to cheat I will have things like frozen pizza, ice cream, chips, candy things like that. For the healthy side though often times I will have a protein shake of some sort and plenty of water. I will also have things like fruits to help the sugar craving or veggies with a dip of some sort. One thing I also like to do with water at night is flavor it with something to help make it more enjoyable to drink.

Remember that individual dietary needs can vary based on factors such as age, gender, activity level, and health conditions. It might be helpful to consult with a nutritionist or dietitian to tailor your eating plan to your specific needs and goals. Also though just give yourself breaks and set reasonable goals that are attainable for you. I hope this provides some insight to you guys because truthfully without a proper diet you just aren’t going to see some of your potential health and fitness goals you are looking for. It is so important for your body, it is just as important as the physical part for the long term and short term. Eat well live well feel well!


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