Who Am I? Why Teaching?

As all of you already know my name is Brayden Lovas and I have lived in Regina for the entirety of my life. As you all already know this is my third year in the Faculty of Education. And also I am a huge fitness and sports person. Something though that I wanted to touch on is as described in the title who am I and why teaching. As you guys read you will understand how the two essentially correlate with one another!

A huge thing for me over the past couple years in thinking about a career is how can I make a difference. In the career I wanted to pursue I wanted to try to help others and leave an impact much greater then individual accomplishments in life. Education to me is a powerful tool for change. It has the potential to break down barriers, create opportunities, and transform lives. I believe that by becoming an educator, I can contribute to this change, helping to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Doing school in the Faculty of Education allows me to be at the forefront of this transformation, equipping me with the skills and knowledge to make a meaningful impact on students as my fellow teachers did with me!

Throughout my academic journey, as mentioned at the top I have been fortunate to encounter several inspiring teachers who have made a significant impact on my life. Their dedication, creativity, and ability to make learning enjoyable left a lasting impression on me. I aspire to have the same positive influence on my future students, fostering a love for learning and encouraging them to reach their full potential.

Lastly which is probably rather obvious from a young age, I have always been passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. The idea of helping others understand new concepts and seeing the “aha” moment in their eyes has always been incredibly rewarding for me. This passion naturally directed me towards a career in education, where I can continuously engage with learning and teaching.

Throughout my time at the University I have gotten some experience making lesson plans and designing them and I thought I would share with all of you some of the work I have done to this point in my journey on these! Here are the links…

Inquiry Unit Plan – Google Docs 

Brayden & Zenon Unit Plan – Google Docs

Lesson Plan .docx – Google Docs

Also another thing I would like to add into this post is my teaching Philosophy I made. I am very proud of this because this directly correlates with who I am and what kind of teacher I am wanting to become.

Brayden Lovas Philosophy – Google Docs



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