Final Learning Project Post

As I reflect on my healthy lifestyle journey, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue prioritizing my well being. This journey has been transformative, filled with new experiences, challenges, and triumphs. In this final blog post, I will share the highlights of my journey, the lessons I’ve learned, and how this experience has impacted my approach to health and fitness.


Incorporating the progressive overload I talked about into my routine has been a game-changer along with doing the push, pull, legs split. The increase in my strength and endurance has been remarkable, and I feel more empowered in my daily activities. And overall with my body in general right now. Also I made it a point to add into my routine little things such as biking and walking to even make my lifestyle better then it was becoming at the time. This not only helped in burning calories but also significantly improved my cardiovascular health and my mental health.


Creating meal plans that focused on a balanced diet was crucial. I ensured my meals included a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This helped in maintaining energy levels throughout the day and supported my fitness goals. As you saw in my one meal plan blog post what you eat is your fuel for your overall day and helps a lot with performance. In saying that though it is not always about just what you eat you need to be filling your body with plenty of water and electrolytes. I also during this journey discovered a range of healthy snacks that are both delicious and nutritious. From homemade protein bars to fruit and nut mixes, these snacks helped curb my cravings and kept me on rather on track.

Bike Rides:

Incorporating bike rides into my routine was not only a great way to stay active but also a fantastic opportunity to explore nature. The fresh air and scenic routes provided a refreshing break from indoor workouts and boosted my mental well being. Especially being in Saskatchewan this time of year in the summer it is so nice to be outside when you are trapped inside for a huge chunk of the year because of the winters. Regular biking sessions helped build my stamina and leg strength. It was fulfilling to see my progress.


Walking became a weekly habit, offering a simple yet effective way to stay active. It was also a great way to clear my mind and reflect on my day. I often invited my dog or my girlfriend to join me on walks, which turned into a wonderful way to socialize and motivate each other towards a healthier lifestyle. And just being able to spend more time with my dog was nice as well.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Maintaining a consistent routine was crucial for progress. Even on days when motivation was low, sticking to my plan helped build discipline and eventually led to noticeable improvements.
  2. It’s important to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs. Overworking can lead to injuries and setbacks. Balancing workouts with adequate rest and recovery is essential for long term success. But also even short term success.
  3. Setting achievable and realistic goals kept me motivated. Small victories along the way made the journey enjoyable and less daunting.


This journey has profoundly impacted my approach to health and fitness. I now view fitness not as a chore but as a rewarding part of my daily life. The incorporation of different activities kept the routine exciting and prevented burnout. Additionally, focusing on a holistic approach to health combining physical activity, balanced nutrition, and mental well being has created a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle.

My healthy lifestyle journey has been an incredible learning experience. Through various workouts, meal plans, bike rides, and walking routines, I have built a foundation for a healthier and more active life.

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