Final Network Learning Post

Throughout this course, I have actively engaged in various activities to contribute to the learning of my peers. My efforts include commenting on classmates’ blogs, interacting on Discord, and creating resources to help others.

I regularly commented on my classmates’ blog posts to provide feedback, ask questions, and share additional resources. This engagement not only helped them refine their thoughts and ideas but also fostered a collaborative learning environment. I also actively responded to all of my comments I got on my posts. This document shared with you will show evidence of my participation throughout the course via commenting on others blogs as well as replying to my own blog post comments. Blog Post Comments – Google Docs

Discord has been a valuable platform for real time interactions with classmates. I’ve been active in terms of reading the discord. generally when I got a question it has already been asked and answered on discord which is very helpful. Early at the start of this course I did ask one question on the discord that I swear got answered within a couple minutes or so. Just such a nice resource to have and use with your peers.

When I look back and reflect on my own personal blog posts I feel like I contributed to the learning of others by just being authentic in my posts and being myself when I answered the various blog posts we had to do throughout the course. I think by doing this it allowed for great conversations with my peers and also they may have gotten different thoughts or opinions on certain matters just based off me giving my opinion and my experiences. I know Multiple times throughout the course in my comment section I would see things like hey I didn’t think of that or that is a good idea things like that open the mind for growth to consume new knowledge.

Contributing to the learning of others has been a rewarding aspect of this course. Through blog comments, Discord interactions, resource creation, and response comments, I have actively engaged with my peers to enhance our collective learning experience. I look forward to continuing this collaborative effort and learning from each other as we progress in our educational journeys.

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