Digital Footprint

Reflecting on the topics we considered in class, several significant themes emerge that warrant further discussion and contemplation. These include cyber vigilantism and cyber shaming, digital footprints, and the right to have elements of our digital footprint forgotten. Each of these topics carries profound implications for our personal and collective experiences in the digital age. […]

Digital Literacy

In today’s digital age, the proliferation of fake news and misinformation poses a significant challenge. As an educator, fostering digital literacy among students is crucial to equip them with the skills necessary to navigate the vast information landscape responsibly. Here, I will outline how teaching digital literacy can be integrated into the subject area of […]

Digital Citizenship

In today’s increasingly digital world, it’s essential to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the online environment responsibly and safely. My approach to teaching digital citizenship will be attempting to integrate the nine elements we have learned about and read about. Firstly when I think about digital access for my students […]

Cyber Safety

During my schooling, the approach to cyber safety and digital citizenship was somewhat rudimentary and often reactive. Some of the main techniques included scare tactics, basic education on proper use, acceptable polices. Getting into scare tactics. We were often shown videos or given talks about the dangers of the internet, emphasizing worst case scenarios such […]