Technology Impacts

In today’s digital age, technology takes over nearly every aspect of our lives, significantly shaping our daily routines, both personally and academically. Reflecting on my tech habits, I realize the impact various tools and platforms have on my productivity, and overall well being.

The websites, apps, and online platforms I use most frequently fall into two main categories: academic and social. For my academic category I use… UofR Courses, Google Docs, as well as our UofR email on a daily basis throughout each semester including in the spring and summers. Right now in my life school is a huge part of my life so being on these apps and different webs are critical for academic success. For my social category I primarily use Snapchat as well as IMessage for communication purposes. I also frequently go on YouTube to watch and listen to various sports podcasts.

Despite the benefits of technology, tech related distractions are inevitable. The primary ones for me are social media apps like Snapchat and YouTube. These platforms can quickly turn into rabbit holes, eating up time in my day to day life. One thing I’ve done to limit my time on each of these platforms is on Snapchat in particular I’ve cut back on snapping pictures and I only pretty much just message people now on it. For YouTube though what I do is just try to limit myself to only one or two podcasts a day and in particular I try to limit them to times when I’m rather free and don’t have much on my plate.

Finding a balance between screen time for academic purposes and personal well being is crucial. One thing I like to do is setup screen free zones such as my room or while I’m eating or in the gym. I also don’t mind every so often doing a social media detox and taking a couple days off my phone to just take a break and focus on myself!

while technology plays a pivotal role in my daily life, both academically and personally, it requires mindful management to maximize its benefits and minimize its drawbacks. By leveraging productivity tools, setting reasonable boundaries, and being aware of potential distractions, I strive to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship with technology.



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