My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Three Learning Project

Back for another lift pull day! This workout was a bit of a grind as sometimes my motivation to do some of the pull exercises I did is lacking…

Exercise One: T Bar Row 3sets 12reps 185 pounds.

Exercise Two: Deadlift 4sets 5reps 145 pounds.

Exercise Three: Shrugs 3sets 12reps 60 pounds.

Exercise Four: Lat Pulldown 3sets 12reps 110 pounds.

Exercise Five: Hammer Curl 3sets 12reps 30 pounds.

Exercise Six: EZ Bar Curl 3sets 12reps 60 pounds.

Core Burnout: Russian Twist 12 pound ball 30reps, Crunch 12 pound ball 30reps, Flutter Kicks 12 pound ball 30reps.

This workout as mentioned at the top was a bit of a grind for me. It’s been a long week with work and school. As well I also play ball hockey twice a week which is a lot of running/cardio so somedays at the gym its just a pure mental battle. For this workout though if you look at my deadlift I am really trying to focus on my lower back as I really messed up my lower back playing hockey throughout my lifetime so I am trying to build that strength back by doing low weight and low rep deadlifts and I feel like it has been helping! So that is the only one where I am making slight modification for because it probably looks like nothing but trust me for where my lower back is at this point in my life its more then enough. I would say though generally speaking the hardest lift for this workout was the T Bar Row which was the first one. There is something about that particular one that is such a grind for me. But you have to embrace challenges in order to get the reward! For my pre workout I used the same one as last time which was Pump Addict sour peach. But for my pre workout meal I had a protein shake as well as another Rice Krispie. After my workout I had time so I decided to go into the steam room and it felt so nice and rewarding after this lift.

Excited to see some comments and looking forward to my next post!

3 Replies to “My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Three Learning Project”

  1. Rowena Cuento says: Reply

    Hi Brayden,
    It sounds like you had quite the workout session! Juggling work, school, and hockey must keep you on your toes, so hitting the gym after all that is impressive. Ending with a steam room session sounds like the perfect way to unwind and reward yourself. Keep up the great work!

    1. Right?! That’s what I was thinking… how does he do it? I am learning to not be a lazy sack just by watching the motivation!

  2. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

    Haha yes! Appreciate both of your comments. Some days are for sure hard but I always try to think of the long term benefits rather then the short term tiredness or however you are feeling. Can relate to what you guys are saying for sure though.

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