
I created a Scratch project titled “Scratch Storytelling.” This project involves a character named Scratch who embarks on an adventure where users can make choices that affect the storyline.

The idea of this project is to create an interactive story where users can choose what Scratch does next. Depending on the choices made by the user, the story branches into different paths, offering a unique experience each time which I thought would be cool.

Main steps of the project were first to make Scratch the main character. As well as setting up different backgrounds for different scenes. For the story itself the main branches are… “when green flag clicked” block to start the story. Added dialogue using the “say” block. Incorporated user choices using the “ask question and wait” block. Used “if else” blocks to create different story branches based on user input.

An idea I wanted to add in but I could not figure out how to do it. Was to add background music or even sound effects to help make it more intriguing and even more engaging. This is something that I am hoping some of you reading could give me some feedback for! If you guys figured it out.

What I learned though is that scratch offers a user friendly interface, making it accessible for beginners. The drag and drop coding blocks simplify the process of creating interactive stories, games, and animations. Which really helped me considering it was my first time. Also even though Scratch uses visual blocks instead of text based code, it still requires problem solving skills. Planning the story branches and ensuring that the flow makes sense requires careful consideration and lots of brain power haha. Obviously though the overall creativity on it is very good and makes it fun to use!

My experience with Scratch was both educational and enjoyable. It reinforced my belief that coding is a crucial skill that should be taught from a young age. Because it really was challenging for me not having any coding experience prior and then trying to do this. So doing some coding prior or even just basic stuff would have been useful for me and probably for others as well.

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